Thursday, December 9, 2010

Resurrecting a Dream

R EALIZATION. I SAW BURLESQUE (THE MOVIE) FOR THE SECOND TIME LAST NIGHT.  I'm so inspired by the story of Alli (played by Christina Aguilera), the small-town girl who runs away to chase her dream. She reminds me of me when I was growing up in the South. We're exactly the same, except I'm not blonde, I don't dance and I can't sing.

I grew up as trailer trash...5 of us in a 25 foot trailer with no bath. Since Daddy was in the Army, we moved around a lot. I never fit in...never belonged...and never understood why rusted trucks, broken washing machines and cracked toilets belonged in the front yard. I left the day I turned 18.

Alli never gives up and hangs on to her dream...and she reminded me:  What ever happened to my dream of a perfect job working for a different company?

WHAT HAPPENED? How did I completely forget about that?

Hmmm. What percent of the feeling that I should stay here with what I know belongs to me?  Answer:  5 percent. OMG! WHAT HAVE I DONE? I've picked up the feelings of people around me who want to stay here and continue to show up for work every day even though they've died inside. I CAN'T DO THAT!

I've been yelling at Bill to stop being a psychic sponge. I'm doing the same thing. I should apologize to him. Oh, wait...he's reading this now. BILL! HEY, BILL! I'M SORRY. FORGIVE ME FOR CALLING YOU A SPONGE BILL. You da big sponge. I da baby sponge, but sponges we be. We gotta stop that and squeeze out those feelings that don't belong to us.

Universe, hear me:  I want to work at a company that I respect...some place alive and vibrant with energy...a company that values and appreciates its people...with employees excited about going to work every day...knowing they do good work and make this world a better place...and there's space and light and I feel like I can breathe and expand and grow and learn...and it's fun and colorful...and I make new friends who vibrate with creative energy. This is what I want and this is what shall be.

INSPIRATION. Today I mocked up a business card for me...pretending I'm working at my new company as a Learning & Development Specialist, complete with logo, address, and phone number. I carried it around all day in my pocket and imagined handing my new business cards out like candy because I'm soooo proud to work at XXXXX.

What surprised you today?

May new insights surround you.



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