Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Vortex

Saturday, December 4, 2010

AS I WAS DRIVING TO WORK TODAY, I NOTICED SO MANY BIRDS SOARING IN CIRCLES high in the sky. They would swoop and swirl round and round. I bet they were having fun. Swirling circles of birds here and my left and to my right. It must be because it's windy. The birds are playing with the wind.

I parked my car and as I walked to the building, streams of leaves flowed around my feet, laughing as they raced through the parking lot. I giggled all the way to the door.

Swirling birds...happy leaves...something wonderful is born on this wind.

Oh. I thought I'd knock out that resume in an hour. I work on it for a while, take a break, come back and work on it, take a break. After seven hours, I've done what I could. I'll give it a rest and come back to it on Monday.

               So you will be, so to speak, training your Vibration away from patterns of 

                   and toward patterns of allowing, which will make it, over time, just natural for you
                   to find those better-feeling thoughts. When you find better-feeling thoughts and
                   when you release resistance, your natural Vibration rises; and when your natural
                   Vibration rises, you will have achieved a different and improved point of attraction.
                   And so, now, that different point of attraction brings you better-feeling things to
                   observe—and your life just gets better and better.   -- Abraham.  Excerpted from
                         Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditations CD & User Guide.

Back in the day, we would list what we did at work (tasks). Now I know they say to list accomplishments (I single-handedly reduced scrap by 87% and leaped tall buildings in a single bound). Hmmm. I'm a support person. I don't have a lot of those numbers.

I'm thinking that since this resume is for inside the company, it's not so critical that it meets all the new trends in resume writing.

I don't know. I'm going to trust that it's OK.

Maybe on Monday, I'll put together a short PowerPoint presentation to show some before and afters of some documents I've redeveloped.

I'm driving home and looks like a white funnel of clouds ahead of me. It looks like a vortex. It feels like it's for me, as if unseen forces are swirling energies above and around me, bringing more good things to me.

I look in the distance at green mountains. Between two mountains is a V-shaped cloud. Another vortex.

I look to my right and a smaller triangle of clouds shows itself.

I'm feeling this power flowing to and through me. I breathe it in. It feels good...and I look forward to the good things it will bring.

May you feel powerful today.



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