Monday, December 20, 2010

Nice Everyone Else

THE TREES WERE ESPECIALLY BEAUTIFUL THIS morning...dark green leaves against a curtain of gray mist.

I know some people don't care for the rain, but I figure Mother knows what she's doing.


PRESENTS! Presents! I brought presents to work today! About 15 of them for friends, workers, and people who've helped me throughout the year. Fun stuff!

Bill's email Xmas card to me today:

To my friend and year long gift from God ..... Catherine.
Thanks for being such a great friend and confidant.
Thanks for your hours of listening and kind words.
Thanks for sharing your life and journey with me.
Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for all the laughs, smiles and polite nods.

I'm truly looking forward to the years ahead and
a continued long and very special friendship.  

Merry Christmas!



I was suspicious at the third "thanks."
What surprised you today?

May laughter surround you,


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