Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Burlesque ***** (movie)

I saw the Burlesque last night, starring Christina Aguilera & Cher. A small town girl in a dead-end town runs away to LA with hopes of performing on stage.


The songs (Aguilera has an A-MAZ-ING voice)...the choreography...the costumes.

It's a cross between Moulin Rouge, with a little La Cage Aux Folles, and an updated dash of Flash Dance all mixed together.

I'm not a big Cher fan...well...OK...I love her, her clothes and her story, but I'm not a big fan of her singing voice. But she does a solo called You Haven't Seen the Last of Me and it was filled with emotion. I could feel her heart ache.

And the song where Christina sings in the green satin dress is unbelievable. I had goose bumps rushing up and down my body while she was sooo moving.

In fact, the movie was so good (OK...OK...the story line wasn't that original, but hey, what do you expect with the title is "Burlesque"), I saw it again tonight. I wanted to see the dance moves on a theater screen again because they're so fast and fun.

It's my all-time favorite movie right now.

What's your fav movie and why?

If you want to be energized, go see this movie now.

May you be uplifted today.



1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!! I don't get why people panned it!!! so good!!! I would own it but I don't have time to watch movies!! I LOVE THE SOUNDTRACK! I listen to it all the time!!!!!
