Friday, December 10, 2010

A Download of Information

APPRECIATON. DID I TELL YOU ABOUT DR. JULIA LEWIS, THE BEST CHIROPRACTOR ON the planet? I rarely go to doctors, but I do see Julia. I trust her with my life. She does non-force chiropractic, none of that bone-cracking stuff.

Julia is always taking classes and seminars and workshops. I love that she uses the latest techniques and incorporates them with what she knows to quickly identify my body imbalance and then fixes it quickly and painlessly. Plus she is a gifted intuitive healer.

Anyway, something in my body was bothering me on Thursday. Probably my ankles. We've noticed that when my ankles feel wonky, it's my body telling me I'm out of balance. Sometimes I just decide to make an appointment to see her and my ankle instantly feels better, and, of course, I still go see her. I believe if I don't listen to my wise and wonderful body, it tends to "yell" louder and louder until it gets my attention and by that time, it don't feel I try to listen to it when it sends me the first quiet message.

She checks my body and gets me back into alignment. Then finds that Zone 1 is blocked (I could tell because the point she pressed on my skull was tender). She said that related to Creativity, which made sense because of all the new thoughts and ideas I've been getting lately. So she worked with that for a while and then had me lie face down on the table and worked on me some more. She said she was unblocking something so that I would allow things to come to me vs. me muscling my way through things like a usually do (harumph!).

She also saw that I might put my resume package on YouTube so that my potential employer only had to click one time to see me, a presentation, the collage, etc. That way they could see, hear and experience "me." She handed me the card for Sneeze Bone (uh huh) who did her vid testimonials and helps people market via YouTube.

When I got up, she said she saw streams of light going into my body and felt like there was this immense amount of information being downloaded into me and this huge swooshing energy building above my head like a vortext (hmm...I never told her anything about Abraham-Hicks and the 15 minute meditation I do every single day called "Getting Into the Vortex").  As she was talking to me, I felt a little dizzy. I put my glasses back on thinking that would help. I still felt dizzy. That never happened before. Must be all that stuff being downloaded into me.

INSPIRATION. THE COMPANY I WANT TO WORK FOR VALUES CREATIVITY AND UNIQUENESS. I might make a collage of "me" that illustrates who I am from a personal and business standpoint.

I'm inspired by my daughter, Alexis. She had to do one for her acting class, I think. The ones I've seen are a haphazard collection of images glued together at different angles, but hers was organized and coherent somehow. She used some of my scrapbooking supplies so it looked really different:  a black mosaic with the squares punched out to reveal images behind the grid, a few stickers. It was
A-MAZ-ING! I mean, I'm her Mother and I've known her her whole life and I learned new things about her!

If I owned a dating service, I'd have everyone make a collage and show it to everyone else. I guarantee you it's the fastest way to get to know someone. It absolutely draws in the other person because he'll say, "what does this picture mean" and pretty soon you're having a really deep conversation, and in an instant, you're able to see what you have in common and it's fun and colorful and light and happy. Genius!

I was talking to Dennis today, my IT guru. A program was auto-installing on my laptop and I got a message about a corrupt fie. OMG...what do I I click I click "X" I hit I call the Help Desk, the police, a doctor? No. He calmly explained the steps to take and then asked about the icon in the lower right corner of my screen. I said it had a little green dot and he said, "you're golden."

Ahhh. I like the sound of that. It feels soft and lovely. Golden. I'm going to put that into my imaginary little treasure box and pull it out the next time I need to feel good. Golden.

REALIZATION. My previous manager has been calling me and emailing me, reminding me in his ever so gentle way, that it would really be a good idea if I revised my resume NOW so it fits a job outside the company. I kept saying uh huh...yeah...OK...maybe...later. OMG! WHAT AM I DOING? Now that I remember that I want to work in another company (my dream job), I realize that the Universe has been sending me assistance and I keep kicking and fighting and pushing it away! I'm going to stop that right now.

Today, I say YES to assistance. Today, I say YES to allowance. Today, I say YES to abundance.

And I say "sorry" to David.

OBSERVATION. I notice I am getting more and more ideas, more creative, more energetic and feeling absolutely ecstatic. It's because I'm in a really good place (on purpose, not by accident). Life gets better and better...and easier and easier...and funner and funner!

What have you noticed you do that no longer serves you?

May goodness surround you today.



Julia walked me to another room, sat me in a recliner, made me lie down, tucked a fuzzy lavender blanket around me and left me alone for a while. "Thank you, One and All, for this information and energy. I integrate it with grace and ease." Breathe in. Breathe out. After a few minutes of that, I felt all better. In fact, I felt pretty spunky and energized and I felt like I could see clearer somehow.

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