Monday, December 6, 2010

Anastasia (Ringing Cedars Series - Book 1)

I'VE BEEN READING A SERIES OF BOOKS BY VLADIMIR MEGRE, A RUSSIAN ENTERPRENEUR who meets a recluse deep in the Siberian forests. She lives in a tiny glade, dotted with flowers, surrounded by majestic cedar trees. No dwelling. No possessions. No clothing (bet you're listening now). And yet she knows all (and I mean all) the details of mankind:  past, present and future.

She's no mystic or psychic. She has unbelieveable powers of creation and manifestation. And she insists she is "Man." And that every man and any man can know and do what she does. It's just that we have strayed from the Creator's original design to embrace the technocratic world.

I...I...just don't know how to describe the book to you.

It's magical. It's spiritual. It's mind boggling.

She explains reality, the true purpose of animals, how to grow plants that heal you, painless childbirth, where man fits in the scheme of life and so much more.

And she lives in such utter joy.

The back cover says:  "You are about to read some of the most shocking revelations to appear in thousands of years of human history--so significant that they are changing the course of our destiny and rocking scientific and religious circles to the core.

Your world--our world--is about to change. You need to be prepared.

These powerful, myth-shattering messages--from the remarkable Anastasia--reveal profound wisdom grounded in ancient knowledge, expose suppressed secrets and hidden historical facts, and offer a whole new paradigm for our planet's future.

Anastasia will lift you up and hurl you into a future that is...well...everything you imagined life could and should be.

The twist's here now!

Anastasia will have you dancing with delight and bursting with excitement as you rediscover all your glory.

The purity and power of her soft-spoken words will go straight to your heart--like nothing else you have ever read.

Anastasia will restore your hope for this planet and reignite your passion for life.

After reading this book, nothing will be quite the same."

This is not fiction. Anastasia is real.

I've read this first book and am devouring each one that follows; there are nine. I've slowed down my reading because I don't want to finish the series. I'll be sad when I'm done.

This is now my all-time favorite book series.

What's yours and why?

May wonder surround you today.



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