Monday, December 27, 2010

The Recipe for Eternal Joy

D ROVE HOME LATE LAST NIGHT AND GOT IN AROUND MIDNIGHT. JAMES AND Baba (her name is Barbara, but Bachan is always yelling "Baba") had driven up from down south earlier. Finding nobody home, they got a hotel. Oopsie! Guess they didn't remember that we'd be home really late.

Ahhh! Sleeping in my own bed, my own sheets, my own room. Heaven!

Slept in this morning...listened to two Abraham-Hicks meditations (yippee!) cleaned up...James and Baba at the door...all went out for breakfast.

Coffee...lots and lots of coffee.

Hung around the house...talked...shopped...visited friends...went out for Chinese food.

It's good to be home.

And, oh, how I missed blogging.

I'm realizing how much I enjoy my little routines...reading something uplifting in the morning...meditating...writing. I'm back into my routine.

Well, maybe not exactly since James and Baba are here.

After all those holiday meals, I'm thinking of going on a juice fast.

Alexis is thinking of going vegetarian for a month.

Bachan wanted to know if she should cook a ham so James and Baba can make ham an eggu, hamu fly lice, (you know the drill). I said, sure, James loves ham (hee hee hee).

Johnny leaves tomorrow. It may have less to do with his plane ticket and more to do with avoiding the damn ham.

What food do you despise during the holidays?

Abraham-Hicks Calendar Quote (see > Products > Calendars > Planning Calendar/Workbook): 

"TEN GOOD IDEAS (The Recipe for Eternal Joy)

--  Seek joy--first and foremost.
--  Seek reasons to laugh.
--  Seek reasons to offer words of praise--to self and others.
--  Seek beauty in nature, beasts, and other humans.
--  Seek reasons to love. In every segment of every day--look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of love and appreciation.
--  Seek that which uplifts you.
--  Seek opportunity to offer that which uplifts another.
--  Seek a feeling of Well-being.
--  Know that your value can only be measured in terms of joy.
--  Acknoweldge your absolute freedom to do any of theese things or to not do any of these things--for it is, without exception, your choice in every moment of every day.

That is the recipe for eternal joy. And it will provide a format for a lift of dramatic, magnificent creating, also. That feels like the "bottom line" to you:  "How much success, or how much much value can I offer here and now?"  And what we are wanting you to understand is that your value can only be measured in terms of joy.

Once you get upon that path where you are seeking and finding--you are abundant with joy. You see, the nice thing about this offering is that you cannot seek something without finding it. It cannot be. For that which you are asking for is always that which is coming to you."

May joy surround you,


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