Saturday, February 5, 2011

Vortex of Attraction Workshop *****

WHOA! WHAT CAN I SAY? I JUST GOT BACK FROM AN ABRAHAM VORTEX OF ATTRACTION WORKSHOP in San Mateo, CA, today (courtesy of Bill and Kim...THANK present ever!).

I attended a workshop several years ago, but this session was so deep and so powerful and so huge in its message.

This is partly because once the audience is in the votex, Abraham bounces anyone out of the "hot seat" (the chair where they ask questions) back to their own seat if they try to throw us out of the votex by going into the past negative details of their story. It sounds tough, but we're all really good at getting out of the vortex. Abraham is trying to have us practice staying in the vortex. And since words don't teach, we need to experience it ourselves.

I didn't take any notes (very unlike me) because I just wanted to "feel" it.

I don't remember everything or even that much. I just experienced it.

There were times when the entire room gasped together because we all "got" the message at the same time and felt the hugeness of it.

I ordered the CD of the workshop so I'll give you more details when I get it.

But for now, I remember:

--  The bottom line is:  Get in the vortex, stay in the vortex, get in the vortex, stay in the vortex. NOTE: For me, I imagine myself skipping (hee hee hee). It always makes me smile. And do you remember that Zippity Doo Da song? I sing it, but say, "Skippity Doo Da." And, of course, I think about rainbows and hummingbirds. Hmm. I think I'll moosh all that together and imagine me being a hummingbird, humming the Skippity Doo Da song, and sipping nectar-colors from the rainbow.

--  It was so obvious (from several people who were in the "hot seat" asking questions) how we are sometimes in the vortex, then get out of the vortex by bringing up the past, and then try to get back into the vortex...pretty tough. It's juch easier just to stay in the vortex. That means you gotta forget about the past (if it feels even a teeny bit bad). It serves absolutely no positive purpose to you. All it will do is serve as your excuse, story, rationale, explanation of why you are out of the vortex and it will keep you there.

--  If you've got something big and important to decide or think about and you're NOT in the vortex, then take a nap or go to the beach or do something else and say, "Later, gator." Making an important decision or even thinking about something important when you're outside the vortex is NOT a good idea.

--  If someone does something bad to us, we might consider saying, "Thank you for reminding me how I feel about myself" since they reflect what we are vibrating.

--  Other people (even your spouse and your kids) are none of your business. You need to focus on how you feel.  

--  Many of us accept that we were non-physical energy before we got here. And many of accept that we are non-physical energy after we leave here. But do you get that you are non-physical energy while you are here? Source is flowing through you and experiences what you experience. That's how the universe expands. NOTE:  Wow! Makes you kinda stop and think, what do I want Source to experience?

--  And there was something about our thoughts are constructing bridges in the vortex. NOTE:  I like that word "constructing." It reminds me that thoughts are active things that create.

--  A woman who had heart problems since birth was asking whether or not she created the heart problems. Abraham said to replace the word "create" with "rendezvous." I like that. It replaces that sense of blame with a reminder that we meet up with what our thoughts created.

--  Don't even say something negative. If you think it, stop before you say it outloud. Even if it seems tiny to you, such as, "I have trouble..." or "it's hard for me to..." You're just constructing more of this in your life. Is that what you want? If not, then just stop it.

--  Have you noticed that once you give your attention to a physical problem and go to the hospital and see the doctor that things seem to get worse? It's a slippery slope. Once you give attention to it, all those other things draw you into the direction of feeling helpless and feeling you can't do anything and that someone else has to save you. You need to get into the vortex and then take action (maybe you'll be led to an enlightened physician). Healing is all about energy.  

Whew! There was so much more. I just can't recall it all.

I loved how Abraham ended the session which was telling us we are not the same person as the person who walked into the seminar this morning. We have changed. And our life will change and we will see the change.


Jerry and Esther Hicks are coming out again in San Francisco on Saturday, July 9, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm. Sessions fill up (they turned away 100 people today). Register online at > Workshops or call 830-755-2299. It's $195 or $245 at the door (if they have room) and it includes a buffet lunch. Well worth the investment.

May abundance surround you,


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