Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Message of a Great White Egret

INSPIRATION. ABRAHAM-HICKS DAILY QUOTE (to sign up for the daily quote, go to Abraham-Hicks.com > subscribe to daily quotes):  "Your happiness is the most significant contribution that you could make. In your reaching for happiness, you are opening a vortex which makes you an avenue for the Well-being to flow through you. And anything that is your object of attention under those conditions, benefits by the infusion of your Well-being."  --- Abraham

I love this quote. It's another reason to be happy happy happy!
REALIZATION.  Ow! I woke up with severe neck pain on Saturday. I decided to take it easy since my appointment with Dr. Julia Lewis, the most amazing chiropractor on the planet, wasn't until Tuesday. I guessed the pain probably had something to do with more people getting laid off at work. 

Since I wouldn't see Julia for several days, I decided to play around with the Braco energy. Many people have had amazing healings just listening to his voice so I listened to that section on "The Golden Bridge" DVD. I listened to it two times just for good measure, asked for relief, touched my sun symbol necklace and tucked his book under my pillow. Amazing! I woke up Sunday feeling much betta!

I did see Julia today and she worked on my neck...said it had to do with emotion related to people at work.

OBSERVATION. I drove by the company I intend to work at (grin). As I headed back, a Great White Egret flew in an open field, parallel to my car, perfectly framed in my passenger window. I know it's not possible, but I seemed to hear each powerful downstroke of its wings. Wumpf...wumpf...wumpf. Somehow matching the beat of my heart. Slow. Steady.

I realized the egret beats its wings at the same speed, always. It never flaps furiously like a sparrow. It never hurries.

Just like time...and life.

It is never late.

The pace is perfect.

I want to remember this moment.

What do you want to remember?

May wonder surround you,


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