Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feel Good Instantly

INSPIRATION. I had a lovely dinner on the Santa Cruz Wharf with a friend of mine. We we talking about how to feel good when things look bad.

I was telling him that I sing my Skippety Doo Dah song.

He decided he'll sing Frank Sinatra's That's Life.

Singing a special, really happy song is an instant way to feel good.

If you're worried about something, it's because you're thinking/focusing/imagining/talking about something you don't want. And I've noticed it tends to be mental. It's your mind chewing on something tough and you don't like it and it's hard to swallow.

And because our minds tend to be so strong, it's a good tactic to give it something else to chew on.

If you sing a song, your mind will have to focus on the lyrics.

But the big difference is that a song activates your feelings. You want good feelings.

Singing She Got the Ring and I Got The Finger isn't a good choice.

I'm talkin' a happy song with happy lyrics.

If you're in a situation that's difficult for you to walk away from (like your Mom is recounting for the fifth time about who's in the hospital because her heart hurt and then the doctor said she would would never be able to...), silently sing your secret song. You'll feel better.

When you're walking down the hallway at work and bad things are going on, hum your song.

And when you're in the car, you can belt it out and sing it loud.

If you're smiling while you're singing and after you sing, you've got the right song.

So...what's going to be your happy song?

May smiles surround you,


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