Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Beautifully Better Tip: Thank You Cards at Work

ABRAHAM-HICKS DAILY QUOTE (sign up for the daily quote at Abraham-Hicks.com > subscribe to daily quotes). "Everything you do is for the purpose of the joy that it is giving you. And so, when you don't see something through, it means that it stopped producing the joy that you were hoping to receive. Of course, it is always better if you have anticipated something and you've stayed lined up with it. If you're lined up with it, then it's joy when you're thinking about it even before you start, and it's joyful as you start, and it's intoxicating as you're going, and it's fulfilling as you do it, and it's satisfying as you finish it and you're in alignment the whole way on that."  --- Abraham

Ah. So that's why we procrastinate. I used to procrastinate some years ago, but not so much now. Must be because I practice imagining what I want first and then take action. Hmm. Good to know.

How about you? What's your trick in handling procrastination?

INSPIRATION. I was reading 21 Days With Braco by Angelika Whitecliff. It's an inside look in the life of Braco, day-to-day. He hasn't spoken in public for over eight years (because a newpaper used his words without permission and twisted them) so this book is a great source of info about him.

I've been keeping notes on things that inspired me and I'll share them with you later. But at one point he said "you can call on me at any time." I thought, hmm, let me try that.

So I put my right hand on the book cover with his photo and my left hand on my sun pendant. The energy was much deeper than I'm used to and I sensed:  Relax. All is well. Enjoy the moment. Know all has been taken care of. It is OK. All has been arranged.

Whew! I felt such a sense of relief as a weight lifted off me. Those were the most perfect words for me to here. They didn't say, everything is coming to you or it will come to you. It said "all has been arranged." It's a done deal. I love this feeling of surety. I'm going to remember it and recall it when I need to.

All has been arranged.

All has been taken care of.


And then I slipped into sleep for an hour or so. Not because I was tired; I just slept and woke up refreshed. Maybe it's because I'm not used to running this particular energy. Maybe I need to take tiny sips and build up my stamina. I remember hearing that you only see Braco gazing at you for 14 or 17 seconds at a time on the DVDs. Maybe I need to start with just 15 seconds and build up from there. Interesting.

LIVING A BEAUTIFULLY BETTER LIFE TIP:  Make it easy for yourself to say "thanks" in a beautiful way by keeping a few Thank You cards at work. They come in handy. And how nice to say "thank you" right away, instead of...uh...three months later (yikes!).

Here are a couple that I have in my desk drawer now:

May gratitude surround you,


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