Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Skin Food,***** What Your Skin Is Craving


INSPIRATION.  ABRAHAM-HICKS DAILY CALENDAR QUOTE (please buy one at > Store > Calendars > Planning Calendar/Workbook).  "YOU ARE HERE IN THIS BODY BECAUSE YOU CHOSE TO BE HERE. You wanted the opportunity to experience this delicious contrast in time and space, and with great anticipation you came to co-create with other joy-seeking beings, to fine-tune the process of deliberate thought. (What, where, when and with whom are your choices, too.)"  --- Abraham

I love being reminded that I chose to be here. How about you?

And I love playing with the Law of Attraction. It's something you get better at the more you practice. Just keep it simple, easy and fun.

The idea of "fine tuning" your deliberate thought is key. Every now and then, my mind wanders...usually when I'm brushing my teeth...and I begin reliving a disturbing scene from a movie...much like fingering a strand of worry beads over and over again. Then I catch myself and deliberately think of something on purpose, like rainbows, hummingbirds, the Berry Cherry Pecan steel-cut oatmeal with soy milk topped with a brown sugar crumble from Jamba Juice that I'll have for breakfast...

SKIN FOOD. If you have dry skin, you need Skin Food by Weleda. It's an uber-rich, whole body cream that deeply hydrates, intensely nourishes and protects your precious skin.

Really dry hands this time of year? Skin Food will fix that. Stubborn dry patches on your elbows and feet? Skin Food will fix those, too.

Skin Food is a unique mix of essential fatty acids and Vitamin E lovingly blended into organic sunflower seed oil. A touch of organic pansy to calm dry irritation. A bit of soothing rosemary leaf extract for its mild antiseptic properities, plus the anti-inflammatory properties of organic calendula flowers, all work together to gently nourish your skin.

And the scent is divine.

Use Skin Food every day to regain the radiance of healthy skin.

You can buy it at any good health food store and also Target.

Skin Food is super thick. A little goes a long way.

You might want to start off with the tiny travel size first, although at my house, we always have the big tube of Skin Food around. I don't know what we'd do without it.

You can also read more about Skin Food on the Weleda (a company I LOVE) website at

May richness surround you,


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