Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hannah's Dream: A Novel****

Diane Hammond shares the story of an ailing elephant, Hannah. Star of a seedy little zoo in Washington, Hannah is loved and cared for by Sam. They've been together for 41 years. But Hannah's feet are deteriorating from standing on concrete all day and Sam's leg is worsening from diabetes. Neither can go on much longer.

Sam begins to have a dream with increasing frequency. He sees an open meadow, he walks toward it, he looks down and finds "his" feet are elephant feet. But what does it mean?

Hannah's Dream spins the tale of love and devotion, intertwining quirky characters amidst an increasingly volatile situation. Politics and love. Humor and heartache.

I read this book from beginning to end in about two sittings. It's a deceptively simple story, yet it draws you in like a circus barker at the entrance to the Big Top.

An irresistibly touching and ultimately uplifting story, Hammond proves that love comes in all shapes and sizes.

Read this book the next time you want to reaffirm the belief that love conquers all.

May devotion surround you,


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