Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Braco Gazing Experience in San Francisco

I JUST GOT BACK FROM EIGHT GAZING SESSIONS BY BRACO IN THE CITY. Yep. I got an all day pass and attended every one of them.

Everyone's experience is different. Some people get hot, others cold. Some people can walk when they couldn't before, others feel nothing. Some people see white or gold auras around Braco, others see nothing. I was curious how it would be for me.

Jane introduced Braco as a man who "does not refer to himself as a healer. He was never taught to heal or taught to do what he does. It was conveyed to him. He has not spoken publicly in eight years. He's never accepted a penny from anyone for what he does. He believes it's a gift and he gives it away..."  Then a short vid clip is shown. Each session showed a different video (usually excerpts from YouTube or a DVD they sell).

I enjoyed the stories the emcee shared:

--  A Croatian child is diagnosed with a hole in her heart. She must wait several years before trying a surgical procedure. Her heart is checked again and the hole is even bigger. After the Grandmother takes a photo of the child to a Braco session, the doctors check the child again as they make arrangements for surgery. The doctor announces it is a miracle, the hole has disappeared.

--  A woman has a constant migraine for 15 years. It disappears after a Braco session.

--  A Vietnam vet with post-traumatic syndrome is healed spontaneously. Later his doctor says Agent Orange has caused disease. After another Braco session, the doctor checks and all evidence of Agent Orange has disappeared.

--  A man who hasn't been able to walk in three years, walks up stairs and outside after one gazing.

--  A veterinarian in LA is watching a Braco video. Someone calls about a dying horse laying on the ground and pounding its head on the floor in pain. The caller wants the vet to put the horse down. The vet asks for a little time to try something. She puts a tiny statue of a horse on top of a Braco photo. Three minutes later she gets a call. The horse is standing, walking around and just fine.

The stories go on and on.

9:00 AM  A deep sense of peace descended on me. I woke up with a lot of pain in my neck for some reason (really unusual for me). After this session, I realized all the pain had quietly disappeared.

10:00 AM  At one point, I had my eyes closed and I was turning my head toward the wall (away from Braco) and my head swung back toward center stage where Braco was gazing. I thought, hmmm, that's interesting. This time I deliberately turned me head toward the wall and again my head swung back toward center stage, almost like a magnet swinging North.

11:00 AM  I felt energy and tingling starting at my left ankle and then it moved up my leg and side. It moved inward and spun and swirled around my heart. I felt like something was healed. Everyone once in a while, my heart aches so I'll see if that disappears.

NOON  Energy and tingling started in my right ankle and moved up my leg and side.

1:30 PM  Oh, I felt sooo tired. I just wanted to roll up in a ball and go to sleep.

2:30 PM  All day long, chilly air coursed through the room with several people mentioning it. In this session, the room felt like a green house with warm heavy air. Oops! Maybe it was just me since the room temperature didn't change.

3:30 PM  While standing with my eyes closed, my body kept tipping forward an inch at a time. Again, I felt my body being pulled or drawn toward center stage. I grabbed the back of the chair in front of me to stabilize myself.

4:30 PM  This was an extra long session where Braco gazed and then we heard a recording of his voice speaking Croatian. Evidently, there have been spontaneous healings in people just hearing his voice.

For me, the all day pass was the way to go. I wanted as much of the energy as I could get. I know energy isn't limited by time, space or distance, but I wanted to see him face-to-face while I had the chance. He's going to be so much more well known the next time he swings through, if he comes back.

I bought the 21 Days With Braco book, The Golden Bridge DVD and a 13-sided sunce (soon-say) necklace (my Valentine's present to me).

I heard stories where people are putting the sunce to heal cuts, burns, bites, headaches, etc.

A met a lovely artist couple from Portland, Dorothy and Rod. Another gift of the day. Life just gets better and better, doesn't it?

Strange. While driving home, I kept eating. In one hour, I consumed half a Togo's #16 sandwich, the rest of my cheddar Goldfish snacks, the rest of my Mango Coconut Water, a small bottle of water, and a Rice Crispie Treat. I kept thinking I was thirsty and I should stop for a milk shake. A milk shake? Where did that come from? I never even ordered a milk shake before. I don't like milk. I told myself, no, we're not getting a milk shake and I told the Jack-in-the-Box speaker I would have a small Coke and a small order of mini-churros (five of them) instead. I ate those while I argued with myself about why I didn't get an Oreo Cookie Milk Shake. I got home and ate several little pieces of steak Bachan had fried and a few spoonfuls of rice. What is going on? I wasn't even hungry when I was eating all that stuff. Maybe all those gazing sessions used up a lot of calories and I'm refilling my reserves. I dunno.

Well, I've stopped eating for now.
I'm going to waddle off to bed. I'm really tie-tie. Maybe I'll put Braco (well, at least his book with his pic on the cover) under my pillow like some people to do to see how it affects my sleep or my dreams.


Catcha tamale.

May energy surround you,


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