Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Braco in San Francisco Sun-Mon 2/13-14

HAVE YOU HEARD OF BRACO?  I'm so excited. He's doing a gazing in San Fran and I bought an all day pass. This will be my first time to see him, although I've referred friends. Let me explain.

For fifteen years, people all over Europe have been traveling to Zagreb, Croatia, to see Braco (pronounced Braht-zoh). He's unlike anyone else. He silently gazes into the audience and sends out energy.

Healings occur, without explanation. There are thousands of stories recounting what different people experienced.

"I suffered from intense near-daily PTSS (Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome) and after gazing with Braco just once it just completely dissolved and hasn’t returned."  Linda L.

He doesn't call himself a healer, master or guru. He's just a man.

In Europe, people stand in line all day to get in to see him and they can only attend one session.

He's not yet as popular in the U.S., although more and more people are becoming aware of him.

A session only costs $8. That just covers the room rental, etc. He doesn't make any money from it. I'm attending every session all day while I can.

I don't know how to explain him. I don't understand what he does. I just know I want to be part of it.

He doesn't speak publicly, doesn't advertise, doesn't preach, doesn't ask for anything, and doesn't accept donations. He's not a religion and doesn't want to be worshipped.

I like that he doesn't say anything. In this way, no one can misconstrue his words. The experience isn't about words; it's about energy.


I'll let you know how it is.

If you want more info, go to BracoAmerica.com.

Yippee! ! !

May miracles surround you,


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