Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tell a Better-Feeling Story

ABRAHAM DAILY QUOTE (see  "If you will let your dominant intention be to revise and improve the content of the story you tell every day of your life, it is our absolute promise to you that your life will become that ever-improving story. For by the powerful Law of Attractionthe essence of that which is like unto itself is drawn—it must be!"   -- Abraham

In the Vortex of Attraction workshop I attended on Saturday, Abraham reminded us that if we want a better life, tell a better-feeling story. Throughout the workshop, they focused on the better-feeling story; not the introduction, not the rationale, not the background, not the context. Just the story. Just what you you want it.

I was thinking about that today, you know, related to my job situation. If I was going to tell someone what I was doing (lots of spiritual work in looking for a job), I might start off with:  "Back in November, my boss told me he didn't need me..."  STOP!  "My last day at work is..."  STOP!  "They laid me off..."  STOP!

Wow! As good as I thought I was at focusing on what I want, I realize there are little things I do that don't support me.

So I decided to tell a different story.

What exactly is it that I would like to proclaim? Hmmm. OK. Here goes.

"I just got a promotion. I accepted at job at xxxx for more money & I start on Monday! Tell everyone you know!"

THAT'S what I'd like to be able to say.

So THAT'S what I the trees and the flowers and every bird I saw during my morning walk.

And when I drove to Julia's office (my magical, marvelous Chiropractor) later in the day, that's exactly what I said to every car and truck and bus I saw on the freeway.

I was smiling so big for so long that my face hurt. Yeah. When was the last time that happened to you?

It was so much fun!

I like that story. I'm going to keep telling it to the birds and the bees and the dogs and the trees.

And then, when reality catches up with what I am wanting, I'll say it out loud to my family & friends & you.

Oh, this is so much fun.

And, oh, this feels so much better than that other story I was telling.

What a waste of breath & time & spirit it was to set the tone for the story & give the background & context.

I'll keep you posted on my results.

Oh, yeah. I went to see Dr. Julia Lewis. I've been going once a week to support my body through this transition. There are a lot of spiritual, mental & emotional things going on that I'm not always aware of. To get my attention, my body speaks to me. I believe discomfort is a gentle signal. I try to listen & take action early, before my body feels it must yell loudly. My left knee felt a little wonky yesterday & this morning. Then it went away & my lower back started hurting. Julia did her thing, checked my body, made the adjustments. She said my hip was affecting my knee & lower back. And my hip was related to an issue about "moving forward." See what I mean? So I took a look at that. I didn't realize it, but I think I was looking at this job shift as moving "out" of a job. That doesn't feel good. I think I'll look at it as moving "up" instead. What was the theme song of The Jeffersons? You know, that TV sitcom in the 70s? Something about "moving on the East Side..." I like it.

May possibilities surround you,


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