Monday, February 28, 2011

Everything In Its Perfect Time

INSPIRATION. Daily Quote from Abraham (see > subscribe to daily quotes).  Some things you're not letting happen right now because the timing isn't perfect for you. Some you're not letting happen because you are very aware of where you are. But all things, as they are happening, are happening in perfect order. And if you will relax and begin saying, "Everything in its perfect time. Everything is unfolding. And I'm enjoying where I am now, in relationship to where I'm going. Content where I am, and eager for more," that is the perfect vibrational stance.
--- Abraham

Ooooo! This is my favorite Abe quote right now. "Everything in its perfect time..." Isn't it perfect? I want to remember it. I've put it in the signature block of my work emails, I'll put it on my calendar as a reminder, I'll repeat it on the way to work...

TODAY, Sunny organized a lunch at Emperor of India on Cottle Road for some of us to get together to say goodbye. It was so nice to spend a few minutes with friends, catching up on what they're doing. Are you staying? What are your plans?

Seems everyone I talked to had a job lined up, at least for a while.

That made me happy.

I love hearing about good things happening to good people.

My heart can rest a bit easier today knowing my friends are cared for.

OBSERVATION. I hit the snooze button several times this morning. It's not like I'm late to work because I get up extra early, but I was thinking. Hmm. If I was going to my dream job at my dream company, I wouldn't be hitting that snooze button...over and over again. I'd jump up, all excited about the new day, eager to get to work so I could dive into a fun project.

I know most people think "seeing is believing," but that only works if you want to continue whatever is going on in your life right now.

If you want to experience something more wonderful, then believing is seeing.

You need to believe and pretend and imagine and, most importantly, feel, what you want.

So from now on, when my morning alarm goes off, I'm going to pretend it's time for me to jump up and go to my dream job...with excitement in my heart and a smile on my face.

I feel more energized already!

What do you want to pretend?

May energy surround you,


Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Bright Side Project*****

TODAY I breathe in Spring. Pulling down on the window shade, feeling it resist, then loosening my grip so it pulls up tightly into a roll, it reveals my morning view. Sliding open the window, I breathe in a new day:  spicy pine tree leaning against the fence, dark mysterious richness of the wet garden below, ephemeral sweetness of flowers born on the breeze.

What scents remind you of the sweetness of Spring?

TIRED OF HEARING NOTHING BUT BAD NEWS? Well, you're not alone. A year or so ago, two New York friends decided to bring a little sunshine into a world of dreary predictions and a weakening economy. On that day (yay for us!), was born.

How do they brighten the world, you ask? By giving away goodies every single day. They did this for months on end; now giving away something every week.

And not just anything. Good things. Wonderful things. Beautiful things. All contributed by trendy artists, up-and-coming designers, good companies. Yep. The good stuff.

But wait! It's not exactly free. You have to answer a question and if the contributer picks yours as the best answe, then you get your goodies.

These girls (Miss B & Miss Lindsey) are so chatty & up beat. I just love them.

I mean, look at their website:

Oh. Their mission is a little hard to read so I'll type it out for you:  "The Bright Side Project is here to bring you sunshine everyday with themed giveaways and witty repertoire. We hope to inspire you to stop for a second and remember life is (still) beautiful out there."

How can you not love them?

Even if you don't win, you'll still be happy because now you know where to get some beautiful, unusual products direct from the artist/designer/business like these:

Cake bunting from Kiki La Ru (see Who knew cake could have bunting? Genius!

Pastel spatulas and cupcake apron from Ruby Sparkles (

LOVE THEM and you will too. Stop by and see them at

May sunshine surround you,


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Sentry--A Joe Pike Novel****

INSPIRATION. To ingrain yesterday's message of the Great White Egret, I repeated "the pace is perfect" as I drove to work today. the beat of its wings.

OBSERVATION. Yesterday, I was happy when I woke up singing Skippity Doo Dah. I was happy as I drove to working singing Skippity Doo Dah. I was happy as I walked down the hall toward my office humming Skippity Doo Dah. Then I saw Ben and asked him how he was.

BEN:  I'm very busy.

ME:  Oh, busy is good.

BEN:  Not this kind of busy. I'm shipping machines to China.

ME:  Oh.

By the time Bill stopped by my office to say good morning, I was very subdued and felt a little sad.

Gosh, darn it! It took me about half an hour to figure out I must have picked up Ben's energy.

I really gotta figure out how to stop doing that!

Well, the good thing is that I'm getting faster at noticing it's not "me."

REALIZATION. Shawnda has moved to a new job in a new area. I bequeathed her my Train-the-Trainer course materials and party decorations. As I was pulling things out of drawers and cabinets and putting them into bags and boxes, it felt good.


Like the feeling you get when you're going through the stuff you have in the house you've lived in for 30 years before moving into your brand-new house.

It felt like freedom...letting go of the dusty and old.


But I am crazy for Crais.

Maybe it's his characters. So real you'd recognize them on the street. Joe Pike, ever in sunglasses, red arrow tats on his arms, a man of much action and few words. His best pal, wise-cracking Elvis Cole (with a name like Elvis, you better be funny).

Maybe it's his writing. Clear. Colorful. Real. Set in Los Angeles around people and places we know.

Maybe it's the story. Funny. Fast-paced. Powerful.

In this latest book, Joe stops at a gas station and then notices two guys walking into a sandwich shop. He follows them and it's downhill from there. A woman. Lies. Big money.

I adore Crais and I have a secret crush on Pike so I would love to give the book five stars. But I deduct 1 star for the too graphic first chapter (it's almost like someone told Crais he had to have an evil, gorey opening because it's the lastest thing to do) and because I just don't get Pike's attraction to Dru.

Despite this one's flaws, I will read every book Crais writes.

Always entertaining and good for a few laughs.

May good books surround you,


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Message of a Great White Egret

INSPIRATION. ABRAHAM-HICKS DAILY QUOTE (to sign up for the daily quote, go to > subscribe to daily quotes):  "Your happiness is the most significant contribution that you could make. In your reaching for happiness, you are opening a vortex which makes you an avenue for the Well-being to flow through you. And anything that is your object of attention under those conditions, benefits by the infusion of your Well-being."  --- Abraham

I love this quote. It's another reason to be happy happy happy!
REALIZATION.  Ow! I woke up with severe neck pain on Saturday. I decided to take it easy since my appointment with Dr. Julia Lewis, the most amazing chiropractor on the planet, wasn't until Tuesday. I guessed the pain probably had something to do with more people getting laid off at work. 

Since I wouldn't see Julia for several days, I decided to play around with the Braco energy. Many people have had amazing healings just listening to his voice so I listened to that section on "The Golden Bridge" DVD. I listened to it two times just for good measure, asked for relief, touched my sun symbol necklace and tucked his book under my pillow. Amazing! I woke up Sunday feeling much betta!

I did see Julia today and she worked on my neck...said it had to do with emotion related to people at work.

OBSERVATION. I drove by the company I intend to work at (grin). As I headed back, a Great White Egret flew in an open field, parallel to my car, perfectly framed in my passenger window. I know it's not possible, but I seemed to hear each powerful downstroke of its wings. Wumpf...wumpf...wumpf. Somehow matching the beat of my heart. Slow. Steady.

I realized the egret beats its wings at the same speed, always. It never flaps furiously like a sparrow. It never hurries.

Just like time...and life.

It is never late.

The pace is perfect.

I want to remember this moment.

What do you want to remember?

May wonder surround you,


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Baby Diaper "Cake"

INSPIRATION. Alexis' friend, Terra, had a baby shower today so we made a baby diaper "cake". We rolled up a bunch of  baby diapers and secured them with rubber bands...made three layers...and decorated it with bibs, a bottle, booties, bankies, and wash cloths...and finished it with ribbons, baby blocks and bows.

So pretty!

The last one we made was for a girl so it was fun making a blue one for a boy this time.

It's our favorite baby gift these days.

What do you love giving the mother-to-be?

May babies surround you,


Friday, February 18, 2011

A Surprising Source of Beautifully Better Home Goods

INSPIRATION. ABRAHAM-HICKS DAILY QUOTE (sign up for the daily quote at > subscribe to daily quotes):  "You're always on your way somewhere. The key is:  find a way to be happy wherever you now are on your way to where you really want to be. (We're speaking of the state of being you want.) It does not matter where you are; where you are is shifting constantly, but you must turn your attention to where you want to go. And that's the difference between making the best of something and making the worst of something."  --- Abraham

Oh, I do love this quote reminding us to be happy happy happy now.

REALIZATION. I usually wake up happy and rested, but this morning I woke up ecstatic and silently singing Oh Happy Day. Must be something good coming my way!

BACHAN LOVES TO "REDECORATE" THE BATHROOM WITH DIFFERENT MATCHING SETS OF TOWELS AND RUGS. Since she was having the girls over this week, I looked for a new bath rug and found this at Marshall's:

Isn't it pretty? Oh, I wish you could see it in person. It just makes you smile just to look at it.

Marshall's on Almaden Expressway, San Jose, has never been my favorite place. Things always looked a little shoddy to me and I haven't been there for over a year. But they must have changed the buyer or something because I found all kinds of things I liked:  shoes, shoes, shoes...designer tops...pretty plates and rugs.

I'll go back again for something beautiful to add to my home.

May beauty surround you,


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feel Good Instantly

INSPIRATION. I had a lovely dinner on the Santa Cruz Wharf with a friend of mine. We we talking about how to feel good when things look bad.

I was telling him that I sing my Skippety Doo Dah song.

He decided he'll sing Frank Sinatra's That's Life.

Singing a special, really happy song is an instant way to feel good.

If you're worried about something, it's because you're thinking/focusing/imagining/talking about something you don't want. And I've noticed it tends to be mental. It's your mind chewing on something tough and you don't like it and it's hard to swallow.

And because our minds tend to be so strong, it's a good tactic to give it something else to chew on.

If you sing a song, your mind will have to focus on the lyrics.

But the big difference is that a song activates your feelings. You want good feelings.

Singing She Got the Ring and I Got The Finger isn't a good choice.

I'm talkin' a happy song with happy lyrics.

If you're in a situation that's difficult for you to walk away from (like your Mom is recounting for the fifth time about who's in the hospital because her heart hurt and then the doctor said she would would never be able to...), silently sing your secret song. You'll feel better.

When you're walking down the hallway at work and bad things are going on, hum your song.

And when you're in the car, you can belt it out and sing it loud.

If you're smiling while you're singing and after you sing, you've got the right song.

So...what's going to be your happy song?

May smiles surround you,


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Beautifully Better Tip: Thank You Cards at Work

ABRAHAM-HICKS DAILY QUOTE (sign up for the daily quote at > subscribe to daily quotes). "Everything you do is for the purpose of the joy that it is giving you. And so, when you don't see something through, it means that it stopped producing the joy that you were hoping to receive. Of course, it is always better if you have anticipated something and you've stayed lined up with it. If you're lined up with it, then it's joy when you're thinking about it even before you start, and it's joyful as you start, and it's intoxicating as you're going, and it's fulfilling as you do it, and it's satisfying as you finish it and you're in alignment the whole way on that."  --- Abraham

Ah. So that's why we procrastinate. I used to procrastinate some years ago, but not so much now. Must be because I practice imagining what I want first and then take action. Hmm. Good to know.

How about you? What's your trick in handling procrastination?

INSPIRATION. I was reading 21 Days With Braco by Angelika Whitecliff. It's an inside look in the life of Braco, day-to-day. He hasn't spoken in public for over eight years (because a newpaper used his words without permission and twisted them) so this book is a great source of info about him.

I've been keeping notes on things that inspired me and I'll share them with you later. But at one point he said "you can call on me at any time." I thought, hmm, let me try that.

So I put my right hand on the book cover with his photo and my left hand on my sun pendant. The energy was much deeper than I'm used to and I sensed:  Relax. All is well. Enjoy the moment. Know all has been taken care of. It is OK. All has been arranged.

Whew! I felt such a sense of relief as a weight lifted off me. Those were the most perfect words for me to here. They didn't say, everything is coming to you or it will come to you. It said "all has been arranged." It's a done deal. I love this feeling of surety. I'm going to remember it and recall it when I need to.

All has been arranged.

All has been taken care of.


And then I slipped into sleep for an hour or so. Not because I was tired; I just slept and woke up refreshed. Maybe it's because I'm not used to running this particular energy. Maybe I need to take tiny sips and build up my stamina. I remember hearing that you only see Braco gazing at you for 14 or 17 seconds at a time on the DVDs. Maybe I need to start with just 15 seconds and build up from there. Interesting.

LIVING A BEAUTIFULLY BETTER LIFE TIP:  Make it easy for yourself to say "thanks" in a beautiful way by keeping a few Thank You cards at work. They come in handy. And how nice to say "thank you" right away, instead of...uh...three months later (yikes!).

Here are a couple that I have in my desk drawer now:

May gratitude surround you,


Monday, February 14, 2011

Gifts of Love


It's sooo much fun looking for and finding little trinkets for my co-workers who sit nearest me. 

I gave most everyone a Candy Kabob (isn't that fun to say):

And since Edith adores Tinkerbell, I gave her a tiny Tink tin filled with sweets:

For Bachan (I know, I know; she said not to get her anything), but I couldn't resist this box of chocolates:

And for Alexis, anything Hello Kitty. I swear, I'm just walking through the mall, minding my own business and there, before me, is something perfect for someone I love. In this case, Hello Kitty spritzy perfume, solid-perfume-in-a-necklace-that-sold-out-the-first-day-they-got-it, eyeliner pencils, blotting paper (who woulda thought) and nail art all at Sephora. I couldn't help myself (meow). And lest you think I have a problem, I did say no to the mirrors, lip gloss, eye shadow and shower cap. I mean, enough is enough.

And how about you? I hope you received a small token of love to warm your heart this happy day.

May love surround you,


Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Braco Gazing Experience in San Francisco

I JUST GOT BACK FROM EIGHT GAZING SESSIONS BY BRACO IN THE CITY. Yep. I got an all day pass and attended every one of them.

Everyone's experience is different. Some people get hot, others cold. Some people can walk when they couldn't before, others feel nothing. Some people see white or gold auras around Braco, others see nothing. I was curious how it would be for me.

Jane introduced Braco as a man who "does not refer to himself as a healer. He was never taught to heal or taught to do what he does. It was conveyed to him. He has not spoken publicly in eight years. He's never accepted a penny from anyone for what he does. He believes it's a gift and he gives it away..."  Then a short vid clip is shown. Each session showed a different video (usually excerpts from YouTube or a DVD they sell).

I enjoyed the stories the emcee shared:

--  A Croatian child is diagnosed with a hole in her heart. She must wait several years before trying a surgical procedure. Her heart is checked again and the hole is even bigger. After the Grandmother takes a photo of the child to a Braco session, the doctors check the child again as they make arrangements for surgery. The doctor announces it is a miracle, the hole has disappeared.

--  A woman has a constant migraine for 15 years. It disappears after a Braco session.

--  A Vietnam vet with post-traumatic syndrome is healed spontaneously. Later his doctor says Agent Orange has caused disease. After another Braco session, the doctor checks and all evidence of Agent Orange has disappeared.

--  A man who hasn't been able to walk in three years, walks up stairs and outside after one gazing.

--  A veterinarian in LA is watching a Braco video. Someone calls about a dying horse laying on the ground and pounding its head on the floor in pain. The caller wants the vet to put the horse down. The vet asks for a little time to try something. She puts a tiny statue of a horse on top of a Braco photo. Three minutes later she gets a call. The horse is standing, walking around and just fine.

The stories go on and on.

9:00 AM  A deep sense of peace descended on me. I woke up with a lot of pain in my neck for some reason (really unusual for me). After this session, I realized all the pain had quietly disappeared.

10:00 AM  At one point, I had my eyes closed and I was turning my head toward the wall (away from Braco) and my head swung back toward center stage where Braco was gazing. I thought, hmmm, that's interesting. This time I deliberately turned me head toward the wall and again my head swung back toward center stage, almost like a magnet swinging North.

11:00 AM  I felt energy and tingling starting at my left ankle and then it moved up my leg and side. It moved inward and spun and swirled around my heart. I felt like something was healed. Everyone once in a while, my heart aches so I'll see if that disappears.

NOON  Energy and tingling started in my right ankle and moved up my leg and side.

1:30 PM  Oh, I felt sooo tired. I just wanted to roll up in a ball and go to sleep.

2:30 PM  All day long, chilly air coursed through the room with several people mentioning it. In this session, the room felt like a green house with warm heavy air. Oops! Maybe it was just me since the room temperature didn't change.

3:30 PM  While standing with my eyes closed, my body kept tipping forward an inch at a time. Again, I felt my body being pulled or drawn toward center stage. I grabbed the back of the chair in front of me to stabilize myself.

4:30 PM  This was an extra long session where Braco gazed and then we heard a recording of his voice speaking Croatian. Evidently, there have been spontaneous healings in people just hearing his voice.

For me, the all day pass was the way to go. I wanted as much of the energy as I could get. I know energy isn't limited by time, space or distance, but I wanted to see him face-to-face while I had the chance. He's going to be so much more well known the next time he swings through, if he comes back.

I bought the 21 Days With Braco book, The Golden Bridge DVD and a 13-sided sunce (soon-say) necklace (my Valentine's present to me).

I heard stories where people are putting the sunce to heal cuts, burns, bites, headaches, etc.

A met a lovely artist couple from Portland, Dorothy and Rod. Another gift of the day. Life just gets better and better, doesn't it?

Strange. While driving home, I kept eating. In one hour, I consumed half a Togo's #16 sandwich, the rest of my cheddar Goldfish snacks, the rest of my Mango Coconut Water, a small bottle of water, and a Rice Crispie Treat. I kept thinking I was thirsty and I should stop for a milk shake. A milk shake? Where did that come from? I never even ordered a milk shake before. I don't like milk. I told myself, no, we're not getting a milk shake and I told the Jack-in-the-Box speaker I would have a small Coke and a small order of mini-churros (five of them) instead. I ate those while I argued with myself about why I didn't get an Oreo Cookie Milk Shake. I got home and ate several little pieces of steak Bachan had fried and a few spoonfuls of rice. What is going on? I wasn't even hungry when I was eating all that stuff. Maybe all those gazing sessions used up a lot of calories and I'm refilling my reserves. I dunno.

Well, I've stopped eating for now.
I'm going to waddle off to bed. I'm really tie-tie. Maybe I'll put Braco (well, at least his book with his pic on the cover) under my pillow like some people to do to see how it affects my sleep or my dreams.


Catcha tamale.

May energy surround you,


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Living a Beautifully Better Life


Something beautiful near your front door is a thoughtful way to welcome guests.

All you need is a bit of dirt, flowers & a little thought. 

You'll remember that my house was painted recently. Since the colors have changed (taupe house, dark red door which I LOVE), I've had to rethink my front garden.

Today, I played in the dirt, working in organic fertilizer to make a soft, fluffy bed for my babies. Then I gently transplanted clouds of Snow Crystals Alyssum, pompoms of Polar Strawberries & Cream English Daisies and lofty groupings of Dutch Master Yellow Daffodils.

Aren't the English Daisies adorable? When I saw them at the nursery, I just couldn't walk away!

And just like any photo of Japanese relatives, always remember:  Short ones in front! Tall ones in back!

What are your favorite spring time flowers?

May blossoms surround you,


FRIDAY FLICK: Gnomeo & Juliet***

ROMEO & JULIET, LOVE STORY OF THE AGES. But if you're not into sad endings, see Gnomeo & Juliet, an animation full of cement heroes, bad guys & forbidden love.

LOVED the creativity:  the ground-eating Terraferminator (Hulk Hogan), a lawnmower on steroids that will make men drool with desire.

LOVED the characters:  the lipsticked frog, the pink flamingo with a Latin accent.

LOVED the casting of voices:  Jason Statham as Tybalt (hot-headed red gnome), Ozzy Osborne as Fawn (yep, the bat-eating, heavy metal Prince of Darkness is in a kid's movie, well, at least his voice is).

LOVED the humor:  "Let's kick some grass."

LOVED the Elton John songs throughout the movie & the whirlygigs at the end.

Hmm, I just remembered this movie was in 3D, but I sure don't recall that. It must have been really subtle; none of that flying-in-your-face stuff.

Written by Walt Disney Pictures, it's just plain fun.

For a little light entertainment, see Gnomeo & Juliet.

May smiles surround you,


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tell a Better-Feeling Story

ABRAHAM DAILY QUOTE (see  "If you will let your dominant intention be to revise and improve the content of the story you tell every day of your life, it is our absolute promise to you that your life will become that ever-improving story. For by the powerful Law of Attractionthe essence of that which is like unto itself is drawn—it must be!"   -- Abraham

In the Vortex of Attraction workshop I attended on Saturday, Abraham reminded us that if we want a better life, tell a better-feeling story. Throughout the workshop, they focused on the better-feeling story; not the introduction, not the rationale, not the background, not the context. Just the story. Just what you you want it.

I was thinking about that today, you know, related to my job situation. If I was going to tell someone what I was doing (lots of spiritual work in looking for a job), I might start off with:  "Back in November, my boss told me he didn't need me..."  STOP!  "My last day at work is..."  STOP!  "They laid me off..."  STOP!

Wow! As good as I thought I was at focusing on what I want, I realize there are little things I do that don't support me.

So I decided to tell a different story.

What exactly is it that I would like to proclaim? Hmmm. OK. Here goes.

"I just got a promotion. I accepted at job at xxxx for more money & I start on Monday! Tell everyone you know!"

THAT'S what I'd like to be able to say.

So THAT'S what I the trees and the flowers and every bird I saw during my morning walk.

And when I drove to Julia's office (my magical, marvelous Chiropractor) later in the day, that's exactly what I said to every car and truck and bus I saw on the freeway.

I was smiling so big for so long that my face hurt. Yeah. When was the last time that happened to you?

It was so much fun!

I like that story. I'm going to keep telling it to the birds and the bees and the dogs and the trees.

And then, when reality catches up with what I am wanting, I'll say it out loud to my family & friends & you.

Oh, this is so much fun.

And, oh, this feels so much better than that other story I was telling.

What a waste of breath & time & spirit it was to set the tone for the story & give the background & context.

I'll keep you posted on my results.

Oh, yeah. I went to see Dr. Julia Lewis. I've been going once a week to support my body through this transition. There are a lot of spiritual, mental & emotional things going on that I'm not always aware of. To get my attention, my body speaks to me. I believe discomfort is a gentle signal. I try to listen & take action early, before my body feels it must yell loudly. My left knee felt a little wonky yesterday & this morning. Then it went away & my lower back started hurting. Julia did her thing, checked my body, made the adjustments. She said my hip was affecting my knee & lower back. And my hip was related to an issue about "moving forward." See what I mean? So I took a look at that. I didn't realize it, but I think I was looking at this job shift as moving "out" of a job. That doesn't feel good. I think I'll look at it as moving "up" instead. What was the theme song of The Jeffersons? You know, that TV sitcom in the 70s? Something about "moving on the East Side..." I like it.

May possibilities surround you,


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Goldilocks of Pillows

INSPIRATION.  Ornamental plums, pretty and party ready, in pink popcorn dresses that sway in the breeze.

BEST PILLOW IN THE WORLD.  I don't know about you, but I flip flop like a fish out of water when I'm sleeping. I needed a good night's sleep so I did some research and found a pillow WHICH I LOVE. I've even taken it on vacation with me because I couldn't bear to sleep without it.

It's the Tony Little (yeah, I's that exercise guy with 70's hair and really high voice that's always yelling:  "You can do it") Micropedic Sleep Pillow by Homedics.

The biggest difference with this pillow is its shape. It's sewn into four sections. This keeps the little beadies where they belong and although they move around to accommodate you, they stay in their own section. No more fluffing your pillow! And it never gets flat or lumpy like the ones filled with polyester fiber.

The long section at the bottom nicely supports your neck. It also keeps your body properly aligned. The top sections cradle your head (mmmm).

It's great no matter what kind of sleeper you are: 

--  Back.  It supports the natural curvature of your spine, as well as your head, neck and shoulders. 

--  Side.  The pillow adjusts to support your head and neck.

--  Tummy. The beads move aside so you're still comfortable.

Love those beads! They instantly contour to your body, even when you change positions during the night. This is a great feather-free choice for those with an allergy. Plus the beads keep your head at a nice temp...not like those sweaty nights spent with a memory foam pillow. Oh. It wasn't because of the pillow? 

This pillow gives you a customized sleep surface.

The spandex (what did you was designed by Tony Little) pillow case stretches to move when you do. It's silky soft and never scratchy.

I didn't see it on Amazon and it's sold out on (the manufacturer). I did find two for $80.00 at > Products > Wellness > Standard Micropedic Therapy Sleep Pillow 2-Pack.

So this pillow is like the three bears. It's not too hard and not too soft. It's just right.

May comfort surround you,


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Braco in San Francisco Sun-Mon 2/13-14

HAVE YOU HEARD OF BRACO?  I'm so excited. He's doing a gazing in San Fran and I bought an all day pass. This will be my first time to see him, although I've referred friends. Let me explain.

For fifteen years, people all over Europe have been traveling to Zagreb, Croatia, to see Braco (pronounced Braht-zoh). He's unlike anyone else. He silently gazes into the audience and sends out energy.

Healings occur, without explanation. There are thousands of stories recounting what different people experienced.

"I suffered from intense near-daily PTSS (Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome) and after gazing with Braco just once it just completely dissolved and hasn’t returned."  Linda L.

He doesn't call himself a healer, master or guru. He's just a man.

In Europe, people stand in line all day to get in to see him and they can only attend one session.

He's not yet as popular in the U.S., although more and more people are becoming aware of him.

A session only costs $8. That just covers the room rental, etc. He doesn't make any money from it. I'm attending every session all day while I can.

I don't know how to explain him. I don't understand what he does. I just know I want to be part of it.

He doesn't speak publicly, doesn't advertise, doesn't preach, doesn't ask for anything, and doesn't accept donations. He's not a religion and doesn't want to be worshipped.

I like that he doesn't say anything. In this way, no one can misconstrue his words. The experience isn't about words; it's about energy.


I'll let you know how it is.

If you want more info, go to

Yippee! ! !

May miracles surround you,


Monday, February 7, 2011

Chavez Supermarket's Taqueria *****



INSPIRATION. Abraham (of reminded me that "words do not teach...true knowing comes from life experience." Understanding this, I lecture my daughter less, trusting she will learn in her own way and at the perfect pace. Understanding this, how perfect that teenagers do what they do. Understanding this, I can let go and trust that all beings are wise and wonderful.

I like seeing myself as a stimulator of thought rather than a dictator of thought.

What about you? Who do you lecture? Who do you not trust?

BILL SUGGESTED THE CHAVEZ SUPERMARKET TAQUERIA FOR LUNCH TODAY. OMG! It was soooo authenticallly Mexican. The Supermarket itself was clean and spacious. What a beautiful meat counter.

And right next door is their little Taqueria. There's a vertical rotisserie of roasting meat...just like in Mexico, where they shave off slivers of beef. YUM!

They have a full menu and daily specials. The portions are huge.

It was so hard to decide what to get. I settled on the Moresqueta Plate. Amazing! Tender little riblets smothered in a smooth red sauce over a little bean (yes!) and lots of rice (YES!), topped with Crema Mexicana and Queso Blanco (white cheese), all for $5.99 and it'll last me 3 meals.

And I washed it all down with Hibiscus Flower agua fresca (it's like juiced fruit and nothing added).

I can't wait to go back. I want to try the Carne Asada French Fries (oh, yeah!).

It's behind the Outback Restaurant, at 646 Blossom Hill Road, San Jose, CA, 408-226-1452, open 7:00 am - 9:30 pm (every day?). Looks like they've got six locations (see

Try it. You'll love it!

May abundance surround you,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hannah's Dream: A Novel****

Diane Hammond shares the story of an ailing elephant, Hannah. Star of a seedy little zoo in Washington, Hannah is loved and cared for by Sam. They've been together for 41 years. But Hannah's feet are deteriorating from standing on concrete all day and Sam's leg is worsening from diabetes. Neither can go on much longer.

Sam begins to have a dream with increasing frequency. He sees an open meadow, he walks toward it, he looks down and finds "his" feet are elephant feet. But what does it mean?

Hannah's Dream spins the tale of love and devotion, intertwining quirky characters amidst an increasingly volatile situation. Politics and love. Humor and heartache.

I read this book from beginning to end in about two sittings. It's a deceptively simple story, yet it draws you in like a circus barker at the entrance to the Big Top.

An irresistibly touching and ultimately uplifting story, Hammond proves that love comes in all shapes and sizes.

Read this book the next time you want to reaffirm the belief that love conquers all.

May devotion surround you,


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Vortex of Attraction Workshop *****

WHOA! WHAT CAN I SAY? I JUST GOT BACK FROM AN ABRAHAM VORTEX OF ATTRACTION WORKSHOP in San Mateo, CA, today (courtesy of Bill and Kim...THANK present ever!).

I attended a workshop several years ago, but this session was so deep and so powerful and so huge in its message.

This is partly because once the audience is in the votex, Abraham bounces anyone out of the "hot seat" (the chair where they ask questions) back to their own seat if they try to throw us out of the votex by going into the past negative details of their story. It sounds tough, but we're all really good at getting out of the vortex. Abraham is trying to have us practice staying in the vortex. And since words don't teach, we need to experience it ourselves.

I didn't take any notes (very unlike me) because I just wanted to "feel" it.

I don't remember everything or even that much. I just experienced it.

There were times when the entire room gasped together because we all "got" the message at the same time and felt the hugeness of it.

I ordered the CD of the workshop so I'll give you more details when I get it.

But for now, I remember:

--  The bottom line is:  Get in the vortex, stay in the vortex, get in the vortex, stay in the vortex. NOTE: For me, I imagine myself skipping (hee hee hee). It always makes me smile. And do you remember that Zippity Doo Da song? I sing it, but say, "Skippity Doo Da." And, of course, I think about rainbows and hummingbirds. Hmm. I think I'll moosh all that together and imagine me being a hummingbird, humming the Skippity Doo Da song, and sipping nectar-colors from the rainbow.

--  It was so obvious (from several people who were in the "hot seat" asking questions) how we are sometimes in the vortex, then get out of the vortex by bringing up the past, and then try to get back into the vortex...pretty tough. It's juch easier just to stay in the vortex. That means you gotta forget about the past (if it feels even a teeny bit bad). It serves absolutely no positive purpose to you. All it will do is serve as your excuse, story, rationale, explanation of why you are out of the vortex and it will keep you there.

--  If you've got something big and important to decide or think about and you're NOT in the vortex, then take a nap or go to the beach or do something else and say, "Later, gator." Making an important decision or even thinking about something important when you're outside the vortex is NOT a good idea.

--  If someone does something bad to us, we might consider saying, "Thank you for reminding me how I feel about myself" since they reflect what we are vibrating.

--  Other people (even your spouse and your kids) are none of your business. You need to focus on how you feel.  

--  Many of us accept that we were non-physical energy before we got here. And many of accept that we are non-physical energy after we leave here. But do you get that you are non-physical energy while you are here? Source is flowing through you and experiences what you experience. That's how the universe expands. NOTE:  Wow! Makes you kinda stop and think, what do I want Source to experience?

--  And there was something about our thoughts are constructing bridges in the vortex. NOTE:  I like that word "constructing." It reminds me that thoughts are active things that create.

--  A woman who had heart problems since birth was asking whether or not she created the heart problems. Abraham said to replace the word "create" with "rendezvous." I like that. It replaces that sense of blame with a reminder that we meet up with what our thoughts created.

--  Don't even say something negative. If you think it, stop before you say it outloud. Even if it seems tiny to you, such as, "I have trouble..." or "it's hard for me to..." You're just constructing more of this in your life. Is that what you want? If not, then just stop it.

--  Have you noticed that once you give your attention to a physical problem and go to the hospital and see the doctor that things seem to get worse? It's a slippery slope. Once you give attention to it, all those other things draw you into the direction of feeling helpless and feeling you can't do anything and that someone else has to save you. You need to get into the vortex and then take action (maybe you'll be led to an enlightened physician). Healing is all about energy.  

Whew! There was so much more. I just can't recall it all.

I loved how Abraham ended the session which was telling us we are not the same person as the person who walked into the seminar this morning. We have changed. And our life will change and we will see the change.


Jerry and Esther Hicks are coming out again in San Francisco on Saturday, July 9, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm. Sessions fill up (they turned away 100 people today). Register online at > Workshops or call 830-755-2299. It's $195 or $245 at the door (if they have room) and it includes a buffet lunch. Well worth the investment.

May abundance surround you,


Friday, February 4, 2011

FRIDAY FLICK: The Mechanic ***

INSPIRATION. ABRAHAM-HICKS CALENDAR QUOTE (please buy one at > Store > Calendars > Planning Calendar/Workbook). "YOUR BROADER INTENTIONS. You have not come here to prove yourselves worthy. You've come here because you saw physical life experience as delicious and you wanted the experience. You wanted the environment, you wanted the data, you wanted the process, you wanted the sensualness, you wanted the physicalness of thought, you wanted the combination of that which you are from Inner Perspective and that which you are from physical perspective--because the combination is so very, very good."

I love being reminded that I WANTED to be here. How about you?

I AM A FAN OF JASON STATHAM. All that action, muscle and street tough charm. What's not to like? And I LOVE his story (hawking knock-off designer goods in London to make ends meet and then discovered in a gym).

But I gotta say, The Mechanic was not my fav movie. I mean it had action, but it was a bit gorey for me. I closed my eyes for several scenes, but could not block out the wet, yucky sounds.

It's about a hit man who takes on an apprentice (didn't like him, didn't like his looks, the whole idea was improbable...even for me...I mean, come'd he get so good so fast?) and the connection to a previous victim.

I did love his house and the car he was restoring and, of course, a few scenes with Donald Sutherland.

But all in all, you can wait until the DVD comes out (sorry, Jas).

May plausibility surround you,


Thursday, February 3, 2011

BebeCakes Cupcakery *****


INSPIRATION. ABRAHAM-HICKS CALENDAR QUOTE (please buy one at > Store > Calendars > Planning Calendar/Workbook). TIME OF AWAKENING. This is one of the most remarkable times of physical man being physically focused and Non-physically intertwined. It's the reason we call it time of awakening. So let's begin by saying, you wouldn't have missed it for anything. Every Non-physical Energy of good report, praiseworthy and eager to be of value to the Universe and to the All-That-Is, is present in some form or other on this planet at this time. We don't know of any intense Energy that is not represented by one of you. In other words, we are here in all of our fanfare and all of our glory to experience the remarkable planet Earth experience."

I love knowing there's a party going on here and that we've all been invited. The question is:  Did you show up and what did you bring?

WHILE I WAS IN PALO ALTO RECENTLY, I STUMBLED UPON A TINY CUPCAKERY (don't you just love saying that word?) called BebeCakes. They're across the street from the Stanford Theater and at the front of the Paper Whirl (stationery store) at 230 University Avenue, 650-722-9528,

The cupcakes are soooo pretty and the descriptions are enticing. I was trying to decide between the:

--  VaVaVoom:  Intense chocolate cake, filled with cream cheese & chocolate chips, topped with a cream cheese frosting and Belgian chocolate straws.

--  Pink Lady:  Moist white cake, a Bavarian cream filling, topped with a pink champagne frosting, finished with white chocolate shavings.

--  Drama Queen:  Tropical coconut cake, coconut buttercream frosting, and fresh coconut shavings.

Decisions. Decisions.

I finally chose the Drama Queen since coconut is not a flavor most bakeries carry. AMAZING. Moist. Flavorful. Delish.

I was chatting with Johann Machado, the creator of Bebe Cakes. She asked if I was a lemon person. OH, YEAH! So she gave me one for free because she had so many. Not just any old lemon cupcake, mind you. That would be Pucker Up, a lightly scented lemon cake, filled with a tart lemon curd, and topped with lemon cream cheese frosting. Oh, be still my heart!

Seems Johann is a former fashion designer. In fact, her handbag line was featured by Lucky Magazine as the "it" bag. She thanks her grandfather, a NYC baker, for introducing her to the world of sweet goodies from the oven. BebeCakes started from a family recipe, which she expanded into 14 different flavors (lucky us).

These cupcakes are moist and flavorful. For about $3.25 each, they're a bargain.

And for those of you on a diet, you can have your cake and eat it too by ordering a Mini for just $2.00.

I hope she's wildly successful.

When you finish your movie at the Stanford Theater, walk across the street and end your night on a sweet note with a luscious BebeCakes cupcake.

May sweetness surround you,


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Skin Food,***** What Your Skin Is Craving


INSPIRATION.  ABRAHAM-HICKS DAILY CALENDAR QUOTE (please buy one at > Store > Calendars > Planning Calendar/Workbook).  "YOU ARE HERE IN THIS BODY BECAUSE YOU CHOSE TO BE HERE. You wanted the opportunity to experience this delicious contrast in time and space, and with great anticipation you came to co-create with other joy-seeking beings, to fine-tune the process of deliberate thought. (What, where, when and with whom are your choices, too.)"  --- Abraham

I love being reminded that I chose to be here. How about you?

And I love playing with the Law of Attraction. It's something you get better at the more you practice. Just keep it simple, easy and fun.

The idea of "fine tuning" your deliberate thought is key. Every now and then, my mind wanders...usually when I'm brushing my teeth...and I begin reliving a disturbing scene from a movie...much like fingering a strand of worry beads over and over again. Then I catch myself and deliberately think of something on purpose, like rainbows, hummingbirds, the Berry Cherry Pecan steel-cut oatmeal with soy milk topped with a brown sugar crumble from Jamba Juice that I'll have for breakfast...

SKIN FOOD. If you have dry skin, you need Skin Food by Weleda. It's an uber-rich, whole body cream that deeply hydrates, intensely nourishes and protects your precious skin.

Really dry hands this time of year? Skin Food will fix that. Stubborn dry patches on your elbows and feet? Skin Food will fix those, too.

Skin Food is a unique mix of essential fatty acids and Vitamin E lovingly blended into organic sunflower seed oil. A touch of organic pansy to calm dry irritation. A bit of soothing rosemary leaf extract for its mild antiseptic properities, plus the anti-inflammatory properties of organic calendula flowers, all work together to gently nourish your skin.

And the scent is divine.

Use Skin Food every day to regain the radiance of healthy skin.

You can buy it at any good health food store and also Target.

Skin Food is super thick. A little goes a long way.

You might want to start off with the tiny travel size first, although at my house, we always have the big tube of Skin Food around. I don't know what we'd do without it.

You can also read more about Skin Food on the Weleda (a company I LOVE) website at

May richness surround you,
