It's one of THE most efficient and effective ways to exercise. In just 15-30 minutes a day, you tone, condition, and strengthen EVERY CELL OF YOUR BODY. That's right. Here's how it works.
Imagine a balloon filled with water and tied off at the top. Imagine holding the balloon by the stem. See how the balloon sags? Uh huh. Kinda like our body. Now imagine grabbing the ballon by the stem and moving the balloon up and down. Notice how that extra gravitational force causes the balloon to stretch? When you bounce on a rebounder, that's what happens to the cells of your body. It puts pressure on and then takes pressure off your cells, like squeezing a sponge. All that squeezing sends essential nutrients where they need to be and moves toxic wastes away from where they are. It also strengthens bones and joints, without jarring or injury like impact exercise.
But most of all, it's FUN!
You can talk on the phone, listen to music, or watch TV while you rebound. You can do it inside or outside. And because it's FUN, you'll tend to do it more often. And isn't that the biggest challenge of exercising?
Rebounding is especially good for your lymphatic system. You know how much I love caring for my lymph nodes. Bill still doesn't understand what "lymph nodes" are so here's a tutorial. The lymph system bathes every cell. It carries nutrients to the cell and waste away from the cell. Lymph moves through channels in your body and the main ones run up your legs, arms, and torso. That's why rebounding is so great: it pushes the lymph through these channels. Your heart pushes blood through your body, but your poor lymph can't move unless YOU move. That's right. That means you and me were made to move. Let's not call it "exercise." And if you don't move, then your body is swimming in its own waste and starving for nutrients. Poor little thing. And as you can imagine, THAT causes disease.
Rebounding stimulates your internal organs, moves cerebral-spinal fluid, and helps your intestines. All the cells in your body become stronger. The increased G force during rebounding causes the self-propelled immune cells to be 5 times more active. That's a good thing since they like to gobble up viruses, bacteria, and mutant cells. Oh, my! So jumping on a rebounder positively and directly affects your immune system.
I could go on and on. Well, maybe I will. Rebounding also:
-- Increases breathing capacity.
-- Circulates more oxygen to tissues.
-- Helps fight depression.
-- Normalizes blood pressure.
-- Prevents cardiovascular disease.
-- Increases the production of red blood cells.
-- Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
-- Stimulates the metabolism. Oh, yeah. We want some of that.
-- Tones up the glandular system, like your thyroid. Something else we want big time!
-- Improves coordination.
-- Increases muscle tone.
-- Relieves neck and back pain, headaches, and other pain due to lack of exercise.
-- Enhances digestion.
-- Encourages relaxation and sleep.
-- Improves mental performance.
-- Minimizes colds and allergies.
-- Slows down aging. Gimme some of that, too.
Anyway, the whole point is to let you know the best rebounder on the planet is on sale until 1/30/11 from Buy it now and save $64.
I trust Beyond Health because Raymond Francis (author of Never Get Sick Again) does all the research and saves me time and money. He's the only one I buy vitamins and minerals from. I like supporting people and companies I respect so I bought a rebounder from him a while back.
Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT confuse this rebounder with a cheap one at the sporting goods store. Those have weak springs, are imported from China, and CAN CAUSE PERMANENT NERVE DAMAGE. DON'T BUY THEM.
The one sold by Beyond Health is made in the U.S. It's made by a company that makes rebounders and only rebounders so they know what they're doing. And this one has special springs that absorb up to 85% of the impact of each bounce.
Is rebounding for you? It is if you're looking for a fun, easy, and effective exercise to do at home.
No more driving to the gym, working up a sweat, or getting injured.
If you'd like to buy a high quality rebounder, go to and order one before January 30.
May fun surround you,
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