Monday, January 31, 2011

PaperWhirl (Stationery Store) *****

ON THE WAY TO WORK TODAY:  The towering silhouette of redwoods punched through the fog bank like spires of a lost city waiting to be discovered. 

ABRAHAM-HICKS CALENDAR QUOTE (see > Store > Calendar > Planning Calendar/Workbook):  "YOUR INNER BEING. You are much more than you see in these physical bodies. And that is not always easy for you to see, as you are using only your physical senses to make the valuation. But there is another part of you--a greater, broader, and older--that exists, right now, in the Non-physical dimension. That is a surpirse to most of you. While many of you accept that you have lived before this, that there was something before this physical experience, and while many of you want to believe--you are hoping--that there is something beyond this physical experience, very few acknowledge that, right now, while you are physical, that there is another part of you, a greater part of you that remains in Non-physical dimension. And we are wanting you to know that, so that you may reconnect, consciously and deliberately, with that inner you. We call it your Inner Being. Some of you call it your Higher Self or your Soul. It matters not what you call it, but it is of great value for you to acknoweldge that it exists, for there is wondrous guidance that is available to you through this inner you."

I am asking for inner guidance more and more each day...even for little things...just to practice tapping into that resource of knowledge. For example, today I asked:  "Which cashier will I most likely enjoy?" and then I got in THAT line.

I prefer to take baby steps now, when things are calm and quiet, rather than trying a new technique in the middle of trauma and drama.

How about you? When was the last time you asked your Inner Being a question?

PAPERWHIRL IS ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE STANFORD THEATER IN PALO ALTO. Yes, they have wonderful stationery, including the complete line of Kate Spade and Vera Wang. Yes, they specialize in custom invites and announcements. And yes, they have a wedding service to help you pick out the most perfect programs, menus, and placecards for your special day.

But they're soooo much more than a stationery store.

You could spend HOURS wandering around looking at all their little gifties. This is where I bought my Koko Lunch Bag. And they have candles and unusual soaps and silly toys and baby gifts and unique pens and convenient little gadgets that are so hard to resist and look at this happi by Dena cupcake apron I got for Alexis for Valentine's Day:

Plus a Decorate Your Own Cupcake Sticker Note Cards, Band-Aids, and Cupcake box (perfect for hiding $$$ in)! So fun. So cute.

You've got to go to this store. It'll entertain you for hours. Well...some of us are easily entertained.

They're at 230 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA, 650-328-6141,

May cupcakes surround you,


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Living a Beautifully Better Life

I'VE GOT TO TELL YOU ABOUT A LITTLE TECHNIQUE I'VE DREAMED UP AND HAVE been using since the beginning of the year that's really been working for me.

Remember that "how well rounded is your life" exercise I do with my friends in review last year? Well, I've been thinking that sometimes it doesn't feel so good when I reflect on my past results. I mean, how many years have I been wanting to contribute to the world on a more regular basis? The percentage inches up a little every year, but not enough to make me happy. And you know how important it is that I'm happy.

So instead of reflecting once a year, I've decided to consider my day every day.

Now don't get scared. It's nothing hard. And it won't make you feel bad.

This is how it works.

Every day, I write this on my calendar as an item to do:  LIVING A BEAUTIFULLY BETTER LIFE!  SPIRIT > MIND > HEART > BODY > HOME > CAREER > ABUNDANCE > FUN > GIVE.

Since it's on my calendar, I see it and it reminds me of the things most dear to me.

It helps me focus on what's important, not what's urgent.

The categories are big, but the tasks are small so each takes just a few minutes and I don't get overwhelmed.

At the end of the day, I reflect on what I've done and update my calendar entry. It might look something like this: .....LIVING A BEAUTIFULLY BETTER LIFE!  SPIRIT meditate A-H, read A-H calendar, read A-H quote  > MIND read 30 min. Figuring Things Out > HEART had lunch with Bill & Shawnda; took Bachan for a walk > BODY rebound 20 minutes; green smoothie for dindin > HOME moved computer in bedroom so easier to rebound > CAREER developed work samples for potential jobs > ABUNDANCE saw another rainbow-cloud on the way to work today; means good things are coming to me. Woo hoo! > FUN blog > GIVE played; gave 17 things to Goodwill.

Oh, the "....." is my way of telling myself that I completed a task that was on my calendar. That way I can quickly scan my calendar and tell what I did and what I didn't do. If I didn't do something, I move it to another day. It's a big help at work during appraisal time since I know exactly how many people I trained, how many classes I conducted, etc.

Really. I'm feeling soooo much better about what I accomplish each and every day. And it's not like I HAVE to do these things. I WANT to do them. They make me feel good.

And if I notice I didn't do something in one category, I just take a few minutes and complete a tiny task, such as writing a thank you note to a friend. 

I feel good about making progress in all areas of my life...a little at a time. It's kinda like taking a few baby steps every day instead of running a 100 mile marathon at the end of the year. So much easier. So much more comfortable.

What do you think? Do you have a technique you use? Or if you try mine, lemme know how it works for you.

May progress surround you,


Saturday, January 29, 2011

FRIDAY FLICK: The King's Speech *****

AMAZING!!!  The deeply moving story of the man who reluctantly became King George VI (father of Queen Elizabeth II, played by Colin Firth). Our images of the privileges of royalty are shattered as we experience the pain and humilation of a quiet man with a debilitating speech impediment.

He wrestles with a word; our heart breaks. He stammers and stutters; we hold our breath. He barks his word forth like an engine backfiring; we sigh with relief.

It's difficult to imagine that so much anxiety and suspense could be built over something so simple as sound and close-ups of faces. Yet it is true.

This is not just an historical narrative. It is a story of courage, perseverance, and most of all:  love. I was touched by the devotion of Elizabeth to her husband, Prince Albert, Duke of York (King George VI). I enjoyed the marital comfort of the Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush playing the unorthodox Australian speech therapist) and his wife. And was pleased with the deepening friendship between King and commoner.

Beautifully acted. Sensitively portrayed.

And I want that wallpaper!

May courage surround you,


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Contributing Every

ONE OF MY GOALS IS TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORLD IN SOME SMALL WAY, EVERY DAY. I do that by giving gifts to co-workers for all the holidays throughout the year (FUN!), giving things away to people at work or donating them to Goodwill, making soup for an ailing neighbor, giving used books to Sue at Molly's Cafe for her reading group, giving $20 to a bustling bus boy at a restaurant, sending good thoughts into the world, etc.

I've found a new way to give every day. It's fun, free and easy.

FreeRice.come. Maybe you've heard of it, but do you play every day?

There's a one-time sign up where you set your name, email, etc.

After that, you log in and select the answer to a vocabulary word. For each right answer, they'll donate 10 grains of rice through the World Food Programme to help end hunger.

I love how minuscule [very small; tiny] pieces of rice start piling up in my "bowl" when I answer correctly. And when they tally my score, it makes me want to play just one more minute so I can earn more rice. Genius! Within a few minutes, you can easily earn over 1000 pieces of rice!

It's free to us. Honest. FreeRice is a non-profit website run by the United Nations. Sponsors pay to advertise on the site and they're the ones who actually pay for the rice.

Sometimes I'm appalled [filled with consternation or dismay] at how long I'm on the internet. Now, I like knowing I can spend a few of those minutes having fun, improving my vocabulary, and helping someone eat today.

Since 2007 when they began, FreeRice has raised enough rice to feed 4.3 million people.That's a lot of rice. Little things CAN add up to big things.

Sometimes they'll list your name showing how many questions you answered today. They also list top players and top groups. You can even keep track your friends, in case you're a teensy-weensy [tiny] bit competitive.

I try to play virtually [almost but not quite; nearly] every day.

How about you?

May abundance surround you,


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Woo at the Zoo


Then make a reservation for the original Valentine's Day Sex Tour at the San Francisco Zoo. But hurry. This event sells out each year.
Sex. At the zoo. Not for you. But for you to watch the animals do.

Jane Tollini shares a slide show full of animal facts, new positions and kinky info. Eh hem. You might call it the ins and outs and ups and downs of animal mating. You also get up close with some zoo residents.

This memorable event runs:

--  $65 for non-members for the romantic brunch, including mimosas, made-to-order-omelet station, fresh fruit, dessert, and more.

--  $75 for non-members for dinner which includes beef tenderloin and mushroom ravioli, veggies, salad, bubbly, and dessert.

When you might ask?

--  Sat., February 16, 6:00 pm
--  Sun., February 17, 11:00 am
--  Sun., February 17, 6:00 pm

Aren't they thoughtful not to impinge on the real Valentine's Day?

Now you be thoughtful and go make a reservation. Just call 415-753-7080 or visit


Oh, and leave the kiddies at home. This is for adults only, 21 and over.

May woo surround you,


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bouncy! Bouncy!


It's one of THE most efficient and effective ways to exercise. In just 15-30 minutes a day, you tone, condition, and strengthen EVERY CELL OF YOUR BODY. That's right. Here's how it works.

Imagine a balloon filled with water and tied off at the top. Imagine holding the balloon by the stem. See how the balloon sags? Uh huh. Kinda like our body. Now imagine grabbing the ballon by the stem and moving the balloon up and down. Notice how that extra gravitational force causes the balloon to stretch? When you bounce on a rebounder, that's what happens to the cells of your body. It puts pressure on and then takes pressure off your cells, like squeezing a sponge. All that squeezing sends essential nutrients where they need to be and moves toxic wastes away from where they are. It also strengthens bones and joints, without jarring or injury like impact exercise.

But most of all, it's FUN!

You can talk on the phone, listen to music, or watch TV while you rebound. You can do it inside or outside. And because it's FUN, you'll tend to do it more often. And isn't that the biggest challenge of exercising?

Rebounding is especially good for your lymphatic system. You know how much I love caring for my lymph nodes. Bill still doesn't understand what "lymph nodes" are so here's a tutorial. The lymph system bathes every cell. It carries nutrients to the cell and waste away from the cell. Lymph moves through channels in your body and the main ones run up your legs, arms, and torso. That's why rebounding is so great:  it pushes the lymph through these channels. Your heart pushes blood through your body, but your poor lymph can't move unless YOU move. That's right. That means you and me were made to move. Let's not call it "exercise." And if you don't move, then your body is swimming in its own waste and starving for nutrients. Poor little thing. And as you can imagine, THAT causes disease.

Rebounding stimulates your internal organs, moves cerebral-spinal fluid, and helps your intestines. All the cells in your body become stronger. The increased G force during rebounding causes the self-propelled immune cells to be 5 times more active. That's a good thing since they like to gobble up viruses, bacteria, and mutant cells. Oh, my! So jumping on a rebounder positively and directly affects your immune system.

I could go on and on. Well, maybe I will. Rebounding also:
--  Increases breathing capacity.
--  Circulates more oxygen to tissues.
--  Helps fight depression.
--  Normalizes blood pressure.
--  Prevents cardiovascular disease.
--  Increases the production of red blood cells.
--  Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
--  Stimulates the metabolism. Oh, yeah. We want some of that.
--  Tones up the glandular system, like your thyroid. Something else we want big time!
--  Improves coordination.
--  Increases muscle tone.
--  Relieves neck and back pain, headaches, and other pain due to lack of exercise.
--  Enhances digestion.
--  Encourages relaxation and sleep.
--  Improves mental performance.
--  Minimizes colds and allergies.
--  Slows down aging. Gimme some of that, too.

Anyway, the whole point is to let you know the best rebounder on the planet is on sale until 1/30/11 from Buy it now and save $64.

I trust Beyond Health because Raymond Francis (author of Never Get Sick Again) does all the research and saves me time and money. He's the only one I buy vitamins and minerals from. I like supporting people and companies I respect so I bought a rebounder from him a while back.

Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT confuse this rebounder with a cheap one at the sporting goods store. Those have weak springs, are imported from China, and CAN CAUSE PERMANENT NERVE DAMAGE. DON'T BUY THEM.  

The one sold by Beyond Health is made in the U.S. It's made by a company that makes rebounders and only rebounders so they know what they're doing. And this one has special springs that absorb up to 85% of the impact of each bounce.

Is rebounding for you? It is if you're looking for a fun, easy, and effective exercise to do at home.

No more driving to the gym, working up a sweat, or getting injured.

If you'd like to buy a high quality rebounder, go to and order one before January 30.

May fun surround you,


Monday, January 24, 2011

Betty Burgers--Juicy Patties, Hot Buns *****


BURGER. I had a Point Grinder. A 1/2 pound of fresh, hormone free, grain fed, Black Angus beef, bacon, sauteed mushrooms, bleu cheese and green onion lube for $6.95. Me and Bachan split it.

We also split a 50/50 Fry Basket...half sweet potato fries/half reg fries...$3.95. It was sooo big that after Bachan ate the fries, she didn't have room for her burger.

Betty also serves up veggie, turkey, and salmon burgers; salad; chili; and kiddie food. I hear the shakes and malts (featuring the one-and-only Marianne's Ice Cream) are fantastic.

LOGO.  See above.

STORY. Her website has a pic of the letter she wrote telling her story, but since it's a little hard to read, I'm retyping it here for you to enjoy: 

Hi, I'm Betty.
     Folks are always askin, "Betty, this is a darn good burger--best in town--where did a girl like you learn to make a burger like this?" Well here's my story...
     I came from a small speck of a town in the Texas Panhandle. "Big Dutch Dixon" was the only family I ever knew. He raised me from the time Mama hitched a ride with a surfer dude passin' through heading out to California. I'll never forget that day. I was just five when we watched Mama wave good bye as the red convertible sped out of town with the Beach Boys blasting on the 8-track. She never looked back. As a kid, I watched those old Gidget movies and thought of Mama and her Moon Doggie.
     Now Dutch didn't have many talents but he could ride a Harley like a greased hog and made a wicked good mesquite burger. Many said the best in Texas. Anyway, like they say, the apply doesn't fall far from the tree and at sixteen I headed West to find Mama. Dutch vowed he'd not cook another burger till I returned. Well I found plenty of beach boys, some I even loved. One used to call me "Gidget Gone Bad." I never did find Mama or a burger as good as Dutch's. Dutch passed on a few years back and all he left me was his burger recipe. Hell, I didn't know the man could write, so here I am.



GO TO BETTY BURGERS. I don't know if you'll find her, but you will find her burgers at two places in Santa Cruz.

--  Midtown:  505 Seabright Ave., 831-423-8190.

--  Eastside:  1000 41st Ave., 831-475-5901.

You can also visit

May yummy food surround you,


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cutest Lunch Bag on the Planet: Koko Nicole


I'm tired of carrying a HUGE bag to work that I throw my lunch into, my purse, my books, my everything. Tres ugly!

I found the cutest little lunch bag. Ah hem. According to the tag, it's not actually a "lunch bag." It's an "insulated fashion lunch bag."

Pretty, yet practical.

It's insulated to keep my coldies cold and my hotties hot. It wipes clean. The strap is just the right size so I can sling it over my shoulder or carry it in my hand. I guess the drawstring closure and magnetic snap are so no one will steal my wunnerful lunches.

There's a little thingie inside to hold my water bottle. And it comes with its own interlocking fork and spoon.

Can't wait to use it tomorrow for my lunch:  Raw Harvest Butternut and Coconut Soup, Easy Coleslaw w/Liquid Gold Elixir (raw dressing). I'm on a raw kick right now...well...except for the Betty's Burger I ate this afternoon...I'll tell you about it later.

Oh, yeah. I found my insulated fashion lunch bag at Paper Whirl in Palo Alto for $23, but you can get in on Amazon for about $17.

May convenience surround you,


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Stanford Theater

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO THE STANFORD THEATER TO SEE A BLACK & WHITE MOVIE? No? If you love old time movies, you've got to go!

The Stanford Theater opened in 1925. In 1987, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation bought and restored the theater to its original beauty:  neo-classical Greek/Assyrian architecture, gold trim, red velvet curtains.

It's dedicated to bringing back the movie-going experience of Hollywood's Golden Age. I think they've succeeded since more people watched Casablanca there on its 50th anniversary in 1992 than anywhere else in the United States! If fact, sometimes the Stanford Theater accounts for 25 percent of all classic film attendance in the US.

They believe the classic films were meant to be watched on a big screen, not your TV screen, in a sumptuous environment with the shared reactions of a real audience.

They usually dedicate an entire month to one genre (like film noir) or star, such as Cary Grant. Watching It's a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve is a great family tradition to start.

I just got their schedule in the mail. It tends to run 1-2 weeks late so it's better to check their schedule online. January 8-March 27 features:

--  20 early films with Bette Davis

--  8 classics produced by Val Lewton in the 1940s. Mostly low budged "horror" classics, such as Cat People (1942). He relied on suggestion and understatement, rather than the shocking visuals popular today. I'm going to try and catch of couple of these since they only show every several years or so.

--  18 other films worth seeing again, such as The Mark of Zorro (1940), The Prisoner of Zenda (1937), and Heaven Can Wait (1943).

And that's not all. During intermission, the crowd goes hush...a hole in the stage floor pours forth...and a Mighty Wurlitzer organ rises up! A musician plays several songs...hands skipping across the keys...feet dancing along the pedals...lights dim...the theater organ lowers...and the next feature film begins.

Where can you get an experience like that for $7 and a tub of popcorn for $2.50? Or you could have dinner at one of the many restaurants on University Ave.

If you'd like to experience classic movies as Hollywood meant them to be, go to the Stanford Theater at 221 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA, (650) 324-3700.

May music surround you,


Friday, January 21, 2011

Saga Hair Salon *****


It's run by Yuki from Japan. She's won a number of contests. In fact, she was awarded first place in hair cutting at the All-Japan Excel Festival and now she's HERE. Oh, boy! Oh, boy!

The Salon is a lovely space with lots of windows. They use a separate Family Room when cutting your child's hair.

And, oh, they have full-flat shampoo lounge chairs imported from Japan (see pic). You sit down, they put a fuzzy bankie over your legs, they press a button, your "chair" slowly flattens out. Voila! You're lying down flat. No more neck pain from being in an awkward position during your shampoozle. AND you get a wonderful scalp massage.

And if you're sitting in the styling chair and someone asks you, "would you like massage?" JUST SAY YES. Mmmmm! A wunnerful neck and shoulder massage. All that pounding, squeezing, cupping is sooooooo nice.

Of course, you can have tea while you're waiting.

I always bring a photo to show Yuki. She's great at cutting my hair. Don't be scared. She cuts your hair dry, not wet, because she feels it lays better.

The last time I went, I took Bachan to get her long hair cut. Cindy was her stylist and she was so patient and kind to Bachan. Bachan looks 10 years younger!

Saga Hair Salon uses high-end hair products from France.


The next time you want to get a hair cut and pampered at the same time, call Saga Hair Salon at 408-777-8111. You can also log on to and make an appointment online. They're at 20488 Stevens Creek Blvd. #2050, Cupertino, CA 95014. Parking is on the Stevens Creek side, under the building.

I think my cut was about $75. That's the usual rate around here, but you get sooo much more at Saga!

Try the deep hair conditioning treatment. Amazing!

May abundance surround you,


Thursday, January 20, 2011

365 Thank Yous (book)

JOHN KRALIK WAS 53; HE WAS GOING THROUGH HIS SECOND DIVORCE; HE WAS 40 pounds overweight; his small law firm was failing; he had grown distant from his two older children; he was living in a tiny apartment where he froze in the winter and baked in the summer; and, oh yeah, his girlfriend had just broken up with him.

Alone, on a hike in the hills overlooking Los Angeles, John heard a voice:  Until you learn to be grateful for the things you have, you will not receive the things you want.

Inspired by the message and a beautifully written thank you note from his ex-girlfriend, John decides to focus on the good things in his life and to write one thank you note a day for a year.

This small book documents an ordinary man's search for forgiveness and acceptance, love and gratitude.

It will inspire you to set pen to paper to say "thank you" to those who have touched your life and made this world a little sweeter.

May gratitude surround you,


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Photo of Our Winner

Bill sent me his "OMG! I can't believe I'm the winner" photo. Somehow he kept blocking my face with the book at every retake of the photo (sigh). I guess it really IS all about him.
His acceptance speech that I never quite received said something about:  "I'd like to thank all the little people who didn't participate..."

May grins surround you,


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Contest Winner & Thank You Card

OK. LOOKS LIKE BILL IS THE WINNER SINCE HE POSTED A COMMENT ABOUT "Getting Into the Vortex Meditation CD and User Guide." Congrats, Bill! I'll give you the book tomorrow. I'd love to hear who you're giving it to.


They're glittery and sparkly and girly. They're the deep rose I adore, lightened with white and silver, deepened with a touch of black. They have swirlies and doodads and flourishes. They are soooo perfectly "me".

We all want to write thank you notes...uh, well, at least some of us think about writing thank you notes some of the time...but we don't always get around to it.

When the cards are this pretty, you want to write them!

My motto is:  If you're going to do something, why not do it beautifully?

I think I'll write Shawnda a note thanking her for Traveling with Pomegranates by Sue Monk Kidd. I've been reading it lately and am really enjoying it.

May beauty surround you,


Monday, January 17, 2011

Boom Boom! Cards

GOT UP AT 5:30 THIS MORNING...GOT DRESSED...GOT COFFEE...FILLED UP THE CAR with gas...drove to work...the traffic was light...pulled into the parking lot...not many cars...walked into the office and checked my email...cleared out a bunch and noticed an announcement from the company..."this is a reminder that Monday, January 17, is a holiday..."  Well, that explains the light traffic...back in the car and drove home.

What to do? I've got lots of energy and the day is young! Mmmm! An organic lox and cream cheese bagel sounds good...went home...washed my sheets...cleaned a corner of my room...organized my little chest of cards...wrote Shawnda a thank you note...made a list of things I'm giving away this year with a goal to give one thing away a day...put several things in my give-away pile...put away some clothes in my closet...looked up the source of my special bed pillow...chatted with a neighbor...drafted my blog for today...threw out some garbage...talked to Bill on the phone...cleaned my bedroom floor...took some photos for my blog...drafted a future blog post...took some things downstairs and stored them in the garage...cleaned off my credenza...dusted my bedroom...cleared off my vanity...contributed to my fav charities.'s not even noon yet! Amazing what you can do with an early start and some energy. 


The original edition includes preprinted cards, You've been Boom Boom'd Post-It notes and a little carrying bag. Their other editions are:  family (what a great way to bring your family together), teen, green and everyday.

We all want to do good things in the world and these cards make it easy and fun!

Here's how it works. You complete the underground act of guerilla goodness that's on the card > leave a Post-It note for your recipient, if you'd like > post your experience online (text, pix or vid) > pass the card on to someone else.

Here's what's different. Each card's unique ID number makes it possible to follow every card that's played. Since you give the card away after you're done, it could travel around the world! It's like tracking your $1 bill, only better.


The Boom Boom! Revolution is a social change company on an audacious mission to transform the world for the better. They create contemporary, fun and engaging products that build community and improve humanity, as well as champion the belief that doing good is not only cool, it's the thing to do.

I love knowing this is a small local (Santa Cruz) company created by everyday people.

And I love knowing I'm one of the 5,902 Agents of Altruism doing good in the world.

May boom boom surround you,


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Beat Sugar Addiction Now!***** by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

My awesome chiropractor, Dr. Julia Lewis, asked me to take a look at this book since I'm a fast reader. I'm passing on my thoughts to you.

Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the leading integrative physicians in the country. That means he takes the best of allopathic/conventional and holistic/alternative medicine.

WHY IS SUGAR ADDICTIVE? For thousands of years, humans ate sugar found naturally in our food. Now, food processors add 140-150 pounds of sugar per person to our diets each year. Another 18 percent of our calories come from white flour (which acts a lot like sugar in our bodies). Our bodies are not designed to handle this massive sugar load. You've noticed that sugar gives you an initial high. Have you noticed that when you crash several hours later, you want even more sugar?

THE LONG-TERM CONSEQUENCES OF SUGAR ADDICTION. Our consumption of high-fructose corn syrup has gone up 250 percent in the past 15 years. Our rate of diabetes has increased about 45 percent during that same time. You've probably seen the TV ads where the sugar industry tries to confuse us by claiming that corn syrup is not sugar. It is a form of sugar as far as your body is concerned--and more toxic than cane sugar. Excess sugar can lead to:
--  Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
--  Pain of all kinds
--  Decreased immune function
--  Chronic sinusitis
--  Irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colon
--  Cancer
--  Metabolic syndrome with high cholesterol and hypertension
--  Heart disease
--  Hormonal problems
--  Candida and yeast infections
--  ADHD

That's the short list. The actual list would go on for pages.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF ADDICTION. Teitelbaum includes quizzes to help you identify your specific sugar addiction (maybe a combo of several). Here's a sampling of questions: 

Type 1:  Sugar as an Energy Loan Shark. Chronically exhausted and hooked on quick hits of caffeine and sugar.
--  Do you feel tired much of the time? (20 points)
--  Do you have indigestion? (15 points)
--  Are you gaining weight or having trouble losing weight? (Score 1 point for every two pounds gained over the past three years.)...

Type 2:  "Feed Me Now or I'll Kill You." When life's stress has exhausted your "stress handling" adrenal glands.
--  Do you find that you are often thirsty and have to urinate frequently? (10 points)
--  Do you get recurrent sore throats and swollen glands? (10 points)
--  Do you sometimes get dizzy when you stand? (15 points)...

Type 3:  The Happy Ho-Ho Hunger. Sugar cravings caused by yeast/candida overgrowth.
--  Do you have chronic nasal congestion or sinusitis? (50 points)
--  When you are exposed to perfumes, insecticides, or other odors or chemicals, do you develop wheezing, burning eyes, or any other distress? (10 points)
--  Do you have food allergies? (20 points)...

Type 4:  Depressed and Craving Carbs. Sugar cravings caused by your period, menopause, or andropause.
--  Women:  Do you have a history of PMS?  (30 points)
--  Men:  Do you have high cholesterol? (20 points)...

What I loved about this book:

+  More than one solution to the problem.

+  Recommends lots of natural remedies.

+  Short quizzes to identify your specific sugar addiction.

+  Lots of science to back-up his recommendations.

+  Free resources.

+  Tidbits of info: 
    --  One can of soda has enough sugar to suppress your body's defense forces by 30 percent for 3 hours! That's why sugar addicts are susceptible to infections.

    --  Getting less than 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night can make you fat.

    --  If you must eat a sugary snack, eat one or two bites and savor it without guilt.

    --  When your blood sugar is dropping and you start craving sugar, it only takes a little sugar to bring your blood sugar levels back up to normal. One Tic Tac or half a Lifesaver is enough. The secret it to put it under your tongue so it's absorbed into your bloodstream within seconds. Follow-up with a high-protein snack so your blood sugar stays level.

     --  A common cause of night sweats and/or hot flashes is having low blood sugar while sleeping. See if eating a high-protein snack (such as a few slices of turkey) just before bedtime helps.

     --  See Dr. T's free computerized program for treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia at his website, > Symptom Analysis.

     --  He has an entire chapter of heart disease and improving its function.

     --  Sugar addiction can ruin your digestive system, causing indigestion and acid reflux. Overusing antacids can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Try DGL Licorice, imonene, mastic gum and CompleteGest Digestive Enzymes, as well as > Health A-Z.

     --  There's a chapter on migrains and tension headaches which looks at food allergies, the use of fish oil, etc.

+  Nicely written, conversational style.

+  Summary at the end of each chapter reminding you of key points.

+  Ethical. He encourages people who recommend prescription or natural products to provide financial disclosure of financial ties they may have to the makers of the products they recommend. For Fatigued to Fantastic products, he tells any company making his formulas to donate to charity all the money he would have received. He never accepts money from any natural or pharmaceutical product companies. He does make money from products sold on his website,

If you have a sugar addicition or suspect you do, this is a great book to find out what steps to take so you get back on the path to health.

May vibrancy surround you,


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Big Girl Bento Box

I'M FEELING BETTER TODAY, ALTHOUGH MY BODY SEEMS TO HAVE AN AVERSION to processed foods and anything cooked right now. I'm eating a few bites of fresh fruits and veggies here and there and had an entire pomelo for dinner.

Hmm. Do you know what that is?

You've heard of a tangelo before, right? Well, that's a cross between a tangerine and a pomelo.

A pomelo is like a King Kong grapefruit. It's native to Southeast Asia, it's huge (2-4 pounds) and it's sweeter (OK, maybe not so much like King Kong).

Don't let its size intimidate you; it's mostly pith (the soft white stuff you don't eat). Peel the outside and pull away the white stuff. It's fun to eat because it's so easy to peel the membrane away from the fruit and then you're left with a big, fat, juicy, sweet segment to munch on.

Try one the next time you see it at the grocery and let me know what you think.

ALEXIS bought me a Bento Box today made by Oooo! Can't wait to use it. Looky:

What's a bento box? Have you ever been to a Japanese restaurant and ordered the lunch special and it came in a black laquered, sectioned box and each food was in its own little section? Well that's a bento box. It means lunch box.

I mentioned a while back that Daiso (kinda like a Japanese $1.50 store, 19750 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014) has cute ones for kids, but not many for adults. I've been wanting one.

Looks the Americans have jumped on this trend and have designed their own. It's become popular because it's "new" (at least to Americans), is easy to pack, saves money and makes portion control a breeze.

The one made by LaptopLunches is nice because each section has it's own lid. That means you can pack juicy wet things, like fruit cocktail or soup.

Definitely not as cute as the Hello Kitty bento box, but functional.

I'll keep you posted on my search for a cute one.

May the FUNctional surround you,


Friday, January 14, 2011

The Green Hornet **** (movie)

I'M BAAAACK! WHATEVER I HAD, IT'S JUST ABOUT GONE. I'VE BEEN LAYING PRONE in bed for days and sat up for the first time today. I was tired of looking at my bedroom ceiling and thought I could manage to sit up in a theater for a while. Finally. Got out of the house. Watched a fun remake of the comic character, The Green Hornet.

Forget Britt Reid (party-boy-turned-vigilante played by Seth Rogen). I loved his sidekicks!

1.  LOVED Jay Chou, kung-fu-master-fighter-makes-the-best-cup-of-coffee sidekick, Kato.

2.  LOVED Black Beauty, a 1966 Chrysler Imperial Crown, arsenal on wheels:  machine guns in the door jamb, flamethrower in the radiator grill. Black, shiny, has a deep growl. You got the picture.

These comic remakes that have been so popular the last several years make me want to read the originals. Hmmm. Might be interesting to look up. Lemme see...

Looks like the Green Hornet started out as a radio show in the 1930s, film serials (short films) in the '40s, comics since the '40s, a TV show in the '60s starring Bruce Lee (guess I missed that) and finally it's very own feature film this year.

Overall:  a rollicking good time and fun flick.

May varoom-varoom surround you,


Down for the Count

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Not doing well. I think it was something I ate. [whimper]

I don't feel so good...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

need rest.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Poopy Doop! Wonky Donk!

 I WAS WALKING THROUGH TARGET..MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS...LOOKING FOR a gift for my niece...when there...before me...rose a display of Lavera organic body products. Oh, happy day!

I cradled the bottle of Mango Milk Shampoo and Conditioner to my bosum and raced to the checkout stand. I could not wait to be alone with my two new best friends (Patti, don't hate me)!

I invited them into my shower. And, ahhh! The gentle scent of mango rose up around me, with a tangy edge of "clean." Not over powering. Not gaggy sweet.

And the deep treating conditioner. So thick. So rich. Mmmm!

For the first time in my life, I air dryed my hair instead of blow drying it 'cause I got busy with other things.

Magic! My hair no longer foofed out likea dandelion gone to seed.

Silky. Smooth. Shiny. Clean.

I know what you're thinking. Why bother buying organic shampoozle?

Well, health is all about choices, n'est-ce pas? Maybe you can't choose the air you breathe during the day (you can at night when you use a HEPA filter in your bedroom), but you can choose the shampoo you use.

And guess how many chemicals the average woman puts on her body every day? Go ahead, guess.

The answer is at the end of this post.

So, since you have choices and there's a great product at a great price at a store you already shop at, why not buy organic? And maybe eliminate 15 chemicals commonly found in shampoo, like sodium lauryl sulphate, tetrasodium and propylene glycol, which may cause eye damage.

Try Lavera Mango Milk Shampoo and Mango Milk Hair Repair Treatment. Although it's designed for color-treated hair, everyone loves it. Organic mango mixed with green tea extracts protect your hair from damage. Organic cocoa and shea butter enrich your hair follicles. Wheat protein replaces elasticity and tone. Pro-vitamin B5 lovingly coats every strand of hair to seal in moisture. Stop being mean to your hair, buy Lavera shampoo and conditioner.

REALIZATION. Man, oh, man! I feel so tired today. I can barely walk. And I feel sad somehow. Wait just a minute.

Question:  How much of this tiredness is mine?

Answer:  2%.

Poopy doop! Wonky donk! I must have picked this up from someone nearby who's been really tired lately.

I return the 98% of tiredness back to where it belongs. I transmute it to light and to love.

Hmm. That's better. I feel like I can walk a little faster and I can breathe a little easier.

When will I learn? Well, it's not about learning. When will I notice? (sigh)

ANSWER:  It's estimated the average woman puts 515+ chemicals on her body every day while beautifying and grooming her bod. That's not counting the other chemicals in her life, home, work, car. Yep. 515. Go ahead. Look it up. You know you want to. And since you're not "average," you might be using even more chemicals. Whatcha gonna do about it?

May health surround you,


Monday, January 10, 2011

CONTEST: Win "Getting Into the Vortex Meditation CD & User Guide" by Jerry & Esther Hicks!

IT SEEMS LIKE EVERY GURU SAYS YOU GOTTA MEDITATE AND YOU BETTER DO IT every single day. Come on! I brush my teeth and drink coffee every day, but that's about it.

I don't know about you, but sitting in a diaper in a secluded cave with pretzeled legs just doesn't sound like fun. 

I know. I know. It's supposed to clear my mind and get me closer to Spirit.

And I want that. I really do, but I've just never been drawn to meditating...UNTIL NOW.

You know I'm a fan of Abraham-Hicks.

And you know the reason I'm able to go through this job situation in comfort and joy is because of A-H.

When I heard they were coming out with a meditation CD, I thought, woo hoo! I'm going to finally meditate.

And guess what?

It's soooo easy.

And it's soooo different than what I expected.

In fact, I suspect it may be different from every other meditation CD out there...ever.

I mean, Abe says, "it is not necessary that you concentrate (whew!), and there is nothing that you need remember; just relax and breathe and enjoy (I can do that)."

There are four segments:  General Well-Being, Financial Abundance, Physical Well-Being and Relationships.

Those are the biggies in our life and I really appreciate there's a meddi for each one.

Being an over-achiever, I was tempted to meditate and listen for an hour a day. But Abe says, "Life is for conscious, aware, joyous living; and so, 15 minutes of daily meditation is quite enough." What guru is going to tell you that?

By starting my day centered and grounded and in joy, it seems the rest of my day gently unfolds.

And every time I listen to the CD...ahem...I mean meditate, I hear something today: 

"As you listen to our words and remember who-you-are, you will rediscover your natural Vibrational patterns of Well-Being. Each day you will find more clarity, more stamina, and more eagerness. Each day you will remember who-you-are and why you have come....You have picked up your Vibrational resistance to Well-Being gradually as you have  been moving along your physical trail--and your releasing of this resistance will be gradual as well...You life is supposed to feel good to you, and you are meant to satisfy your dreams. There is nothing more stisfying than the deliberate alignment with what you have dreamed."

Oh, I hope you'll win a copy of this book and I hope you'll listen to it and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do. Please let me know.

I'm giving away a copy of "Getting Into the Vortex Meditation CD & User Guide" to two lucky winners. To enter, please post your answer as a comment for the following question by noon on Monday, January 17, 2011:

Why do you want to this book, "Getting Into the Vortex Meditation CD & User Guide," hmm? 

The two people with the best answer wins this latest Abraham-Hicks book.

I'll announce the winner on Tuesday, January 18.

P.S.  It's OK if you already have a copy. You can still participate and if you win, can give the extra copy to someone who could use more joy, abundance, health and love in his or her life.

May luck surround you,


Sunday, January 9, 2011


ONE OF MY FAV WEBSITES IS LOBOTOME.COM, GOODS TO KEEP ME SANE. Fun and functional note pads, checklists and planners to organize your life, such as:

--  Check ME Sanity-Inducing Shopping List to get you in and out of the store with healthy foods and your mind in tact.

--  Feed ME Meal-Planning 101 to avoid "take-out every night of the week" syndrome.

--  Fit ME Be Healthy, Stay Sane note pad to get you off the couch and into a bikini.

And you can get a free copy of their Mantra Poster (soooo inspiring!) to use as a wallpaper for your computer by visiting

What do you use to organize your life with humor?

May order surround you,


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Riding the Wave

ABRAHAM-HICKS CALENDAR (see > Products > Calendars > Planning Calendar/Workbook) QUOTE:  ON THE LEADING EDGE. You are here seeking avenues through which to assist others in feeling clearer about things--for it is through your clarity that you uplift others to greater clarity.

--  You are magnificent, creative beings who said, "I will go forth into this physical environment, and I will chew upon the data of this new time and place for stimulation of thought. I will come together with other magnificent thinkers and creators, and vibrators of thought, and together--in combination with that which we are from within--we will take thought beyond that which it has been before."

--  As physical creatures, you are upon the leading edge of thought. You are here so poignantly, so deliberately, so finely focused in this time and place...that in your very precision of experience, you are taking thought beyond that which it has been.

I love the idea that I'm at the leading edge of thought. I to imagine it's like riding a surfboard...there on the edge of a magnificent, cresting wave...sometimes leaning forward, other times taking a step back, but always in perfect balance...moving forward...with exhiliration, exuberance and yelling, "Woo hoo! I love you, Life!"

Mmm. I'm loving the feel of this word, exuberance. THIS is how Life feels to me:

ex·u·ber·ant  (g-zbr-nt) adj.
1. Full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy.
2. Lavish; extravagant.
3. Extreme in degree, size, or extent.
4. Growing, producing, or produced abundantly; plentiful.

How about you? How would you describe Life?

REALIZATION. I've been playing with the idea of energetically connecting to some people in my dream company. I don't know who they are, but I sense them. There are five of them. I imagine them looking at my resume, knowing I belong there, talking amongst themselves, looking for the perject job where my skills meet their needs. My fav chiropractor, Dr. Julia Lewis, mentioned something similiar. She talked about connecting with the consciousness of the company and felt I had strong, open energy flowing in that direction (smile).

BACHAN has Dish network so she can watch the one Japanese TV channel. Every now and then, the picture disappers and I have to call Customer Service.

Shawn had me running around checking cables and pressing buttons. As I was doing this, I kept my eyes on the screen to let him know what it said. After unplugging and plugging in the plug, I picked up the phone and told him I saw error 059. Bachan started laughing and rolling around on the bed. I glanced over and she pointed at my ear. I was talking into the remote, not the telephone!

So then Shawn and I started talking about silly stories.

--  A woman called Dell Computer Tech Support because she couldn't turn on her new computer:  "I pushed and pushed on this foot pedal and nothing happens." The foot pedal turned out to be the mouse.

--  A man called Novell NetWare Sysop because the cup holder on his computer was broken. Uh, that was no cup holder, it was the load drawer of the CD-ROM drive.

--  I was teaching a computer class to some Manufacturing employees. I said, "using your mouse, click OK." As I looked out into the sea of faces before me, one of them disappeared. A woman was looking under her desk for the mouse.

Since Shawn's parents are from the old country (it's against the rules to tell me which one), we exchanged family stories while waiting for the satellite to upload data. His Dad's first job was working at a convenience store. He understood English, but not every word. What he did understand was his boss' directive to do whatever the customer said, no matter what.

Customer:  I want Nachos.

Shawn's Dad ("nacho" in his native tongue means "to dance"):  No!

Customer:  I WANT NACHOS.

Shawn's Dad:  (began to dance behind the counter)

May giggles surround you,


Friday, January 7, 2011


ABRAHAM-HICKS CALENDAR QUOTE (see > Products > Calendars > Planning Calendar/Workbook):

Your influence is far more than one on one. As you are living happily ever after, you are a vortex through which pure Non-physical Energy flows. And the more you allow pure Non-physical Energy to flow into this time and place, the more the vibrational level of your planet is raised. So that more beings, even when they are not asking openly, can begin receiving this influence.

Have you noticed that when your calendar is full that you do not get influenced to distraction by what everybody else is doing? It is the same with your thoughts--if you are not deliberate about what you are thinking, then you can be swept up with that and that and that...and then your lif becomes confusing.

As you think, you feel. As you feel, you radiate. And All-that-Is (physical and Non-physical) is affected by your offering. That is your power of influence.

Your own experience is most affected by your own influence.

I was listening to (free internet radio) and I saw an album cover called, "Pure Will Akerman." I like that thought.

Think of the millions of musicians over the ages. All of them unique, playing different instruments, in their own way, creating music. So unique that each has his own style. A style that is recognizably different from another musician.

I like thinking that each of us non-musicians is unique as well, so much so that we are "pure Me." Our "song" is the life we live, our "album cover" the evidence of our actions.

Alexis made me lunch today. She decided that for the month of January, we'll be pescatarians. It's kinda like a vegetarian, except we'll eat seafood, but no meat. She wants to try and avoid wheat, eggs & dairy, too. 

I'm not a huge meat eater so this is not a big stretch for me. I've been juicing a lot since the holiday. Funny how quickly the body gets cleared and cleaned and used to things. I hadn't had meat for a while & I tasted a chicken dish Bachan made. YUCK! The flavor of chicken was soooo strong, I almost gagged. It's not that the chicken was bad, it's just that my body isn't used to the flavor any more.

Getting back to the lunch Alexis made me:  brown rice with an ume boshi (pickled plum), sauteed J. mushrooms, miso soup with tofu & daikon (J. white radish).

She packed it in a J. bento box (compartmentalized lunch box). I LOVE THESE THINGS! I'm going to look for a cute (many are ugly), Japanese (not the ones made by Americans), adult-size (not kiddie size) bento box for me.

I love that girl! She's my personal chef and my favorite daughter.

Bill & I have an importer friend named Peter, who travels often to China. I saw a book & couldn't resist getting it for Peter for Christmas:  More Chinglish--Speaking in Tongues by Oliver Lutz Radtke.

"Chinglish" is what you get when the Chinese translate and mangle English. One sign on the cover says:  You can enjoy the fresh air after finishing a civilized urinating. I wish I had read the book before giving it to Peter. Would that have been wrong?

What funny signs have you seen somewhere in the world?

May smiles surround you,


Thursday, January 6, 2011

SpaCells Facial Sponge

OBSERVATION. I NOTICE THAT WHEN MY MIND WANDERS, IT RETURNS TO RANDOM thoughts:  the lyrics to a rap song I heard on TV ("...I'm going solo, solo, solo..."), a tabloid headline at the grocery ("dog gives birth to kittens"), a conversation over heard at the gas station ("...aliens passing gas are the cause of the hole in the ozone...").

Thoughts create. And the sum of my thoughts create my tomorrow. Hmm. I want to be more deliberate in my day dreams. Today, when I notice my mind wandering, I'll refocus it by day dreaming about my dream job. That way, I create on purpose rather than by accident.

I NOTICE THAT SOMETIMES I DAYDREAM OR VISUALIZE OR CREATE FROM A PLACE of scarcity. It's kinda like saying something over and over again, hoping and praying and almost begging for something to come true. Underneath all that is a niggly little feeling that what I want won't come true. It's not a good place to create from because it only creates more of what I don't want.

I'm going to practice an Abraham-Hicks technique throughout the day:  State what you want and then say "...because..." That "because" automatically puts you in a good, fun, vibrant place, which is the PERFECT place to create from. For example, "I'm wanting to work at xxxxx because I want to work for a company that values its employees and treats them with respect. I'm wanting to work at xxxxx because the employees love going to work every day and they're passionate about what they do. I'm wanting to work at xxxxx because they're thriving and growing and making the world a better place..."

Ahhh! That feels MUCH betta (and feeling good is a sign that I'm creating what I want, not what I don't want; plus it's sooo much more FUN).

What about you? Is there something you've been asking for, but you realize you're doing more pleading than you are positive creating?

WHILE IN NAPA LAST YEAR, KATHLEEN AND I STOPPED BY THE GENERAL STORE. I found the most amazing facial scrubber: the SpaCells Facial Sponge. Its honeycomb design makes it light and easy to use. The non-colored side cleans and exfoliates; the colored side massages. This stimulates blood and lymph flow, eliminates toxins and promotes cellular regeneration. It's naturally antifungal, antibacterial and allergen free. And so easy to care for:  just rinse and shake out the excess water.

At about $12 each, they're a bargain. They last for years and you'll save money on your bath products. Just squeeze a little shower gel on the sponge and scrub. The unique honeycomb design creates piles of bubbles.

You can buy the sponge and other products online at If you can't wait for it to come in the mail, go online and see what nearby stores (mostly spas) carry Supracor products. Access > Stores > Lifestyles > scroll down and click on Retail Locator > enter your zip code, select the number of miles from your home you're willing to travel and click Submit.

I love knowing these products are made right here in California's Silicon Valley from American-made materials. Since they use fusion instead of nasty adhesives, they're non-toxic to living organisms and the environment, plus they're recyclable.

LOVE this company! Supracor has developed a line of revolutionary products, including cushions for wheelchairs, products for recovering burn victims, sheets that lower the risk of SIDS for infants, and even products for our pets.

I use my SpaCells Facial Sponge often. Buy one or two or three and give them away as gifts. Your friends will love you for it.

May health surround you,
