Thursday, March 10, 2011

Packing and Moving

TOMORROW'S MY LAST DAY AT WORK. I've been fine with it. Really I have.

I've been cleaning out drawers and cabinets, throwing out old files and documents. The more I throw away, the more energized and alive I feel. Who knew! Must be that feng shei thing.

My moods have been going up and down a bit. Most days I'm happy. Other days not so much. I'm trying really hard to focus on what I'm wanting and to stay in a good place.

Years ago, after I got divorced, I moved back in with my Mom. I told her I needed a place to stay for six months. Three years later, I was ready to move out. I had bought a house and they were building it as Phase 1 of a tiny development. I used to drive out there and talk to the framer, bringing him pizza. Then I go out there and talk to the painter.

I remember feeling so grateful for my Mom's house, for giving me safety, stability and security for a while. And I enjoyed my stay there, but it was dark, old and decorated with an Asian flair so unlike my style. I remember how much I looked forward to moving into my new home.

The first day I stepped inside my house, I threw out my arms and twirled in a giddy circle. It was clean and fresh and new! I felt like I could breathe and grow and laugh for the first time in a long time!

This job shift is kinda like that moving day. I'm packing up and a little frantic because the moving truck is due any minute. I take a last look around, feeling a little sad. This has been a good place for me, a safe and secure place filled with love and support. Thank you. I hear a horn blaring. The truck is here. I step out, closing the door behind me, looking forward to the future with eagerness and excitement.

May new adventures surround you,


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