Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan Hit By 8.8 Earthquake

Friday, March 11, 2011

It was also the day we got news of the massive earthquake in Japan, followed by a tsunami.

My favorite Uncle Mako lives in Tokyo with his wife, Kumiko. I remember walking along the street, stopping, digging for yen in my purse and buying a hot milk tea from the vending machine embedded in the front of their house.

Bachan is closest to her younger sister, Eiko, who lives in Ishinomaki, near the city of Sendai. Auntie Eiko lives in an older house at the top of a hill. To get to there, we wind our way through unbelievably narrow streets in a tiny, toy-sized car. She takes us to huge fish markets and department stores to shop for hours.

I adore my cousin Yoshio. He lives in Nobiru, the tiny village my mother grew up in. It is 1 hour north of Sendai and steps from the ocean. Whenever we visit, he arranges wonderful trips to five-star onsens (hot springs) boasting healing waters and Japanese-style hotels where we sleep on tatami floors under fat, fluffy futons (quilts).

We've been watching CNN since 4:00 PM Friday, waiting for news about Ishinomaki and Nobiru.

We heard they have lost a passenger train in Nobiru and cannot find it.

And we have seen the devastation of Sendai near Ishinomaki where my Aunt Eiko lives. It's a big city so it is covered by the news.

It will be days or weeks before we hear much about smaller towns. They are less populated, lesser known and more difficult to reach.

We have called Japan and cannot get through on the phone.

All we can do is wait.

And pray.

May your loved ones surround you,


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