Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'm Alive


Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. I really am alive...and well...and happy.

It's just that I've been so busy. My new boss wanted my ideas on how to improve a PowerPoint presentation.

So I do what I usually do, which is lots of research. I've been Googling on the computer for hours at home...2-3 hours after work and 8-12 hours on the weekends. I get sucked in and have to pull myself away. But I'm having fun and it's so interesting.

Presented my ideas to my manager yesterday; 6 pages of typed comments & a draft re-do of the presentation. She said it was more than what she expected. That's what I want to hear!

Now I'm off researching something else.

I get up at 6:00 AM > meditate for 15 minutes > get cleaned up and dressed > drive to work > work > off after 5:00 PM > home after 6:00 PM > visit with the fam and eat din din > jump on the computer for a 2-3 hours > fall into bed.

I miss my old work friends, my blog and the Cheetos Bill used to bring me so I wouldn't steal his at lunch.

And I know I'll settle into my new job, get to know people and will build new friendships over time.

ABRAHAM-HICKS DAILY QUOTE (see > subscribe to daily quotes).  "Make a decision and then make the decision right. Line up your Energy with it. In most cases it doesn't really matter what you decide. Just decide. There are endless options that would serve you enormously well, and all or any one of them is better than no decision." -- Abraham

"Line up your Energy." That used to confuse me, but now I understand it means thinking about what I want, feeling the end result of joy (or whatever) and doing this a little while until it feels easy and then notice how I feel. When I feel good about the task or thing and I give it a bit of time, inspiring thoughts and ideas and actions float up for me...while I'm driving, resting, napping, being, sitting outside petting Frankie the cat.

And then I take action.

I've been trying to line up my energy more often. It really does make things easier. It's subtle. And so easy for our mind to dismiss how much easier things are, but it really does work.

Try it. Start with something small (so you don't have a lot of judgment or investment in it) and see how it works for you. Practice makes it easier.

Isn't it the cutest thing? I LOVE IT! ! !

They were trying to cheer me up and cheer me on as I start my new job.

We keep it on the dining room table so everyone can enjoy it each day. I notice it gets moved around a few inches now and then. And I often find the "mouth" sticking straight up. I think Bachan thinks it's some kind of handle.

And to make the flowers more "important" (because they're from Beeru--Bill), Bachan did this:

May sunshine flowers surround you,


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