Sunday, September 16, 2012

MY LATEST LOVE: Personal Pink Salt Lamp

I don't know about you, but I work in front of a computer for hours each day.

Because of that, I'm always looking for ways to neutralize the EMF (electromagnetic field) radiation that my computer generates.

I found a beautiful solution:  my personal, pink Himalayan Salt Lamp that plugs into my computer.

Isn't is cute? I bought it from Isabella Catalog and they've just started offering a new version that changes colors (blue, green, red, purple, pink, yellow and white).

My little salt lamp creates negative ions that help neutralize the nasty, man-made EMFs. And the pink color makes me happy. It has its own USB port so I just plug it into my computer and smile.

This is a beautifully better way to stay healthy at work.

May this inspire you.


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