Sunday, September 16, 2012

MY LATEST LOVE: Personal Pink Salt Lamp

I don't know about you, but I work in front of a computer for hours each day.

Because of that, I'm always looking for ways to neutralize the EMF (electromagnetic field) radiation that my computer generates.

I found a beautiful solution:  my personal, pink Himalayan Salt Lamp that plugs into my computer.

Isn't is cute? I bought it from Isabella Catalog and they've just started offering a new version that changes colors (blue, green, red, purple, pink, yellow and white).

My little salt lamp creates negative ions that help neutralize the nasty, man-made EMFs. And the pink color makes me happy. It has its own USB port so I just plug it into my computer and smile.

This is a beautifully better way to stay healthy at work.

May this inspire you.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

MY LATEST LOVE: Rose Coconut Oil

Anyone that knows me knows I love coconut. I eat it, drink it and would swim in it if I could.

Imagine my joy when I found Rose Coconut Oil. The sweet floral scent of roses mixed with the luscious tropical scent of coconut.

I love dipping my fingers into the pretty jar, letting the oil warm between the palms of my hand and then slathering it all over my body. Mmm. Heaven!

Kuumba Made uses certified organic extra virgin coconut oil and infuses it with rose. It's rich in Vitamin D, E and antioxidants.

Remember that your largest organ is your skin. Whatever you put on your skin soaks straight into your body. Use this organic Rose Coconut Oil instead of lotions you buy at the drug store.

A recent study in the UK found that the average woman wears over 500 chemicals on her body every day. 

I looked up a popular lotion. The first ingredient was water (hmm...that's a lot of money for water) and it included 16 chemicals I'm not familiar with. I figure if I can't pronounce it, it doesn't belong on my body.

How many chemicals do you wear every day?

Everything is a choice. Maybe you don't have a lot of choice about the air you breathe during the day because you work in a big city. But you do have a choice about what lotion you use.

Take care of yourself and your body. Buy Kuumba Made Rose Coconut Oil and enjoy.

P.S.  I found the Rose Coconut Oil at Whole Foods Market (some, but not all of them carry Kuumba Made products). You can go to the Kuumba Made website to search for stores that carry this product. And if you prefer to shop by clicking, go to Amazon, which carries it for $13.95.

May sweet scents surround you,


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pietro Dressing

WE HAVE A SECRET DRESSING WE USE IN MY HOME. It's called Pietro. Have you heard of it?

There are different versions of it, Ginger or Ume (plum). But we're so crazy about the sesame miso, we haven't been willing to live without it long enough to try a different flavor. We's be hones...we're addicted to the Pietro's Sesame & Miso Dressing.

The brightness of vinegar sweetened with miso and balanced by sesame oil. Mmmmm!

It's more than a dressing. You can put it on anything:  plain rice, veggies, mayo, salads, sandwiches, meats (cooked and as a marinade), chicken, fish, tofu. I swear, we've put it on just about everything, except dessert!

You can find it at many grocery stores, usually in the international aisle.

May yumminess surround you,
